Wedding Venue Feels

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"Oh, wow," Kyle said as Dean drove the SUV up the long, winding road and the botanical gardens came into view. "That's huge."

Dean parked and shut the car off and the four of them sat in reverent silence as they stared at the expanse of land that had once been the site of the compound and then the setting for the final battle with Thanos and his forces.

"It feels weird coming here now," Steve said. "After everything that happened."

Kyle reached across the seat and took his hand. Steve looked over at him and smiled.

"I'm just glad it's been turned into something beautiful," Thor said. "Planting gardens and building a memorial was a good decision."

From beyond the dashboard, Dean looked out at the expanse of botanical gardens that spread out over the place he once called home. Somewhere beneath all of that were traces of the dust of their enemies; Dean found it fitting that this should serve as the foundation for something so beautiful.

"It's the perfect venue for a wedding," Kyle said as he hopped out of the car and walked around to get a better look.

"Let's go and check it out," Dean said from beside him. "Thor and I have only seen pictures online until now."

As Dean and Kyle walked together toward the archway entrance, Steve and Thor followed a few paces behind.

"You excited?" Steve asked.

"Very much so," Thor said. "It's so near now. So real."

"You two have waited a long time," Steve said. "It's about time it happened."

Thor decided he couldn't agree more as their party approached the information center where their guide was waiting. After some introductions, the young woman took the four of them along the pathway toward the center of the gardens. As they walked, she pointed out the various types of gardens around them. They passed a play area where school children on a field trip were swinging and climbing on playground equipment. Several of them stopped when they noticed the four of them and realized who some of them were. Even with civilian clothes, Thor was impossible not to notice.

"Don't crowd them, guys," the teacher called out even as the kids swarmed the group and began to jump up and down as they each started to excitedly talk at once.

Kyle stood a little away from the other three and smiled as they fielded questions about being a superhero. But beneath that smile, he couldn't help the jealousy that was bubbling up. The Avengers were able to inspire and bring joy while Kyle and his family remained in the shadows.

"Hey," Steve said as he moved close and put a hand on Kyle's lower back. "Sorry about that. I know it can be overwhelming."

Kyle smiled and shook his head. "It's no big deal. Part of dating a superhero, right?"

Steve grinned at him. "After we finish up here we're going to grab lunch somewhere a little less crowded."

"Sounds good," Kyle said.

The group continued on down the path until they reached the heart of the gardens and stopped.

"And this," their guide said in a solemn voice, "is the memorial."

Hollowed ground couldn't begin to describe the place. Beautifully sculpted monuments was all around, surrounded by meticulously-kept flora. Fountains bubbled, filling the silence with their joyous splashing. Dean moved forward first. He walked slowly up the steps to where a very large half circle of columns created a perimeter. Large plaques stood along the perimeter, each of them depicting a particular portion of the battle and the various individuals who had taken part in it. He spotted images such as Carol destroying Thanos's ship, Wanda attacking the Titan, and himself using the Infinity Stones. But it was the collection of large statues in the center that pulled Dean like a magnet.

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