Preparing for Christmas

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With Christmas fast-approaching, New Asgard had become absolutely immersed in the fanfare. Upon first arriving on Midgard, the Asgardian refugees had fervently taken to any holiday they could. Having lost so much, they sought out any opportunity to celebrate. Even a holiday like Valentine's Day was a big event in New Asgard. As a result, there was no shortage of trees, lights, and decorations. A massive tree stood proudly in the center of the city, its lights gleaming so brightly Dean joked that it could be seen from orbit. Carrot-nosed snow people stood all around with smiles of coal and a variety of scarves and hats.

"I love it here," Dean gushed as he walked alongside Thor through the streets. He looked over at the park, smiling as he watched children make snow angels and engage in playful snowball fights. Some distance away, a group of carolers was singing merrily. All of the celebration and good cheer surrounded Dean and he let all of his walls down, utilizing his psychic empathy to its fullest to take it all in.

Thor fondly looked over at Dean and watched as snowflakes fell upon his hair and shoulders. "It's good to see my people celebrating," he said.

"Your majesty! Dean!" a girl shouted as she ran toward them. Dean recognized her as Astrid- a young girl he'd comforted after Ragnarok. In her excitement and haste to get to them, she slid on a patch of ice and Thor quickly moved to steady her.

"Easy, little one!" Thor said with a chuckle. "You almost took a nasty fall!"

Astrid thanked Thor for the save and then looked at Dean. "How are you? How is the baby?"

Dean smiled. Ever since his pregnancy had been made known, everyone in New Asgard was overcome with excitement about it. "Well, the baby is fine."

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"We don't know," Dean said.

"Do you want to find out? Or do you want it to be a surprise?"

"We would like a surprise," Thor said.

"Can I babysit?" Astrid asked.

"We'll have to wait and see," Dean said with a grin.

"You let me cat sit for you!"

"Cats are very different from babies," Thor said with a chuckle.

"Have you decorated the nursery?"

Dean smiled at the precocious girl. "Not yet."

Astrid's mouth fell open. "What? Why not? Haven't you bought the crib and everything?"

Thor grinned and playfully ruffled the girl's hair. "Because on Midgard there is a thing called a baby shower."

Dean smiled as he watched Astrid try to interpret what she was hearing. "It's a party that people have when they're expecting a baby," he explained. "The parents-to-be invite their friends and each friend brings a gift for the baby."

Astrid considered that and smiled. "Well, I can't wait to see the baby," she said before running off to join her friends.

"That makes quite a few of us," Dean said.

"Come, Fair One," Thor said as he tugged at Dean's hand.

"What is it?" Dean asked as he let himself be led up to the entrance of a bakery.

Thor looked up above them, drawing Dean's attention to the mistletoe hanging overhead. Dean wrapped his arms around Thor's neck and kissed him just as a group of kids was racing by. They stopped and made a exaggerated kissing noises and faces.

"Thor and Dean, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Thor with a baby carriage!"

"The kids are making fun of us," Dean whispered after their lips parted.

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