Distress Signal

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"This had better be an emergency," Thor grumbled as he stomped down the corridor behind Dean. After being interrupted, he had irritably thrown his armor on- his sleeveless black metal cuirass, black leather pants and boots, and a dark red cape fastened to his shoulders. His arms were bare, but when the battle began, Dean knew that dark metallic mail would conjure itself on them.

"Stop pouting," Dean playfully chided as he looked over his shoulder and caught Thor watching his lower body as they walked. His uniform- the sleeveless purple, red and gold suit he'd been given by the Inhumans- had been repaired from the battle against Thanos when it had been ripped and torn. He'd also put a light green zip up hoodie on due to the ship's constant cool temperature.

"I'm not pouting," Thor indignantly retorted. He then reached out for Dean's waist and pulled him against his chest. Before Dean could protest, he was spinning him around and shoving him into a nearby alcove. "The god of Thunder does not pout," he declared.

"Somebody out there probably needs our help, Thor!" Dean giggled while Thor began to kiss his neck and reached for his uniform's zipper.

Dean tried to move Thor's hand from the zipper and the Asgardian took Dean's hand and pressed it against the bulge in his pants. "This needs your help."

Dean's body suddenly disappeared with a flash of photons and reappeared several feet down the corridor.

"I hate it when you do that," Thor sighed.

Dean shrugged. "I'll make it up to you later. Now come on."

"I'm holding you to that," Thor sighed.

The rest of the crew- Peter, Drax, Groot, Mantis, Rocket and Nebula- was waiting in the central hub when the two of them appeared.

"Oh, look who finally decided to show up," Peter said when he looked up from the holographic map to spot Thor and Dean walking into the room. "As I was saying, the distress signal is coming from this cold-ass planet."

Nebula promptly took over. "It's a terrestrial planet dominated by constant ice storms. Scans show minimal life forms, scant vegetation, and several bodies of frozen water. The atmosphere is composed of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon- a similar composition to Earth."

"What did the distress signal say?" Dean asked.

"Well, if you and Thor hadn't been busy playing Monsters Inside Me you would have heard it with the rest of us," Rocket muttered under his breath.

"It's a ship that's crash-landed on the planet. Commercial, they say," Peter explained. "They say their spacecraft sustained structural damage and they had to do an emergency landing on the planet. They didn't report any kind of imminent danger aside from maybe freezing their asses off."

"So, a simple search and rescue assignment," Thor concluded, folding his arms across his chest. He smiled cheerfully. This meant he and Dean would be back in bed in no time.

"Sounds that way," Peter agreed as he adopted the same stance and puffed his chest out.

"Quail, you're physique is coming along nicely," Thor complimented. "You could almost catch up to me."

In the past months of being shipmates, Thor and Peter had managed a friendship, albeit one filled with friendly competition. The initial clash of egos had settled into a good-natured banter.

"Well, we don't all have the unfair advantage of being Asgardian gods with freakish bodies that can bounce back from being, oh, I don't know- fat. Which I never was, by the way."

Thor chuckled as if he were conversing with an annoying child. "Yes, Quail, your fat jokes were once amusing. Almost as amusing as the size of your biceps," he added as he raised a bare arm, flexed and tapped the solid muscle. "Look at that peak- it's as big as your head, Quail."

"Oh, so my head is fat?"

Thor shrugged. "You said it. I didn't."

"Your head does look kind of fat today, Quail," Drax concurred as he made a show of studying Peter's head closely. He, much to Peter's annoyance, had taken to calling him Quail as well.

"I am Groot," Groot said with a shrug.

"You're just agreeing with them to piss me off," Peter grumbled.

Mantis stepped close to Peter and began to scrutinize his head up close. She reached out to measure with her hands and Peter swatted them away.

"Okay, let's save the measuring contest for another time," Dean suggested.

"Yeah, unfortunately I know exactly who would win that one," Rocket groaned. "And I'll spend the rest of my life trying to unsee it."

Thor cracked a big, proud smile and Peter gave a confused scowl.

"The planet," Dean groaned. "Let's get back to planet and the ship that needs our help?"

"Right," Peter said before clearing his throat. "So the coordinates are showing that the signal is coming from somewhere in this valley."

The others stared at the holographic map, taking in the scans of the large mountain ranges that framed the valley in question.

"Right. Drop down, see what the fuss is, maybe they give us something for our trouble, and then we're on our way," Rocket summarized.

"I am Groot," Groot said apprehensively.

Rocket turned to Groot and patted his arm. "Nothing's gonna plant alien eggs in your stomach."

Dean smiled at the reference. The crew had watched Alien a few nights ago and everyone was still bringing it up. They had all taken to calling Biscuit Jonesy, after Ripley's cat from the film.

"It's a commercial ship but the planet conditions aren't entirely known. So we go in prepared," Peter concluded before patting the blasters holstered at his thighs.

Thor reached out a hand and Stormbreaker moved across the room and into his waiting palm. He twirled it playfully and grinned at Peter's blasters. "Mine is bigger," he said with a boyish smile as a flicker of electricity flashed over the blade.

"Oh yeah? Well I've got two!" Peter fired back.

Unamused, Thor merely grinned. "I need only one to get the job done."

Nebula stared at Dean. "You have my sympathies."

Catching another subtle Alien reference, Dean smiled. "Thanks. I'll take all the sympathy I can get with this one."

Thor looked over at Dean and winked.

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