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"Do you know what you will say to him?" Thor asked as he, Dean and Steve stood in the guest room and discussed Steve's plans.

Steve blew a big raspberry and shook his head. "I think...I don't know."

"You need no words, Steve." Thor grinned and playfully socked Steve's bicep. "Go to him and show him your passion. Let your actions speak for you."

Dean rolled his eyes.

"What?" Thor asked. "Don't you enjoy when I let my actions speak for me?"

"Not at all," Dean said with a playful smirk. "Not one bit."

"He is lying," Thor said as he turned back to Steve. "Now- what are you going to wear?"

"I've got this sweater," Steve said as he rifled through his bag.

"No," Dean said in a decisive tone. "You've got great arms. And a great chest. And great shoulders. And you already know you have a great ass."

"Fair One," Thor said in a playfully jealous tone.

Dean rolled his eyes. "You need to show those things off."

Steve nodded and produced a pair of light chinos and a royal blue polo.

"Yes and yes," Dean said. "I love when Thor wears a polo. The way they hug the biceps. And that sexy peek of chest." Dean kissed his fingers.

"Perhaps I need more polos?" Thor suggested.

Steve lifted a brow. "Do you and Dean need a minute?"

Thor and Dean looked at each other for a heartbeat and Steve shook his head.

"I think we can control our hormones," Dean said. "Now- let's take you to Kyle."

After announcing that he and Thor would return shortly, Dean stepped outside with Steve and Thor and walked out into the snow. Thor raised Stormbreaker overhead and the Bifrost shot down around them and spirited them away, leaving a halo of runes burned into the snow.

When the Bifrost dissipated the three of them stood in an alley just off of a busy street.

"His apartment is over there," Steve said, pointing at an upscale looking skyscraper.

"Do you need us to wait for you?" Dean asked.

Steve stared up at the building for a few seconds and then shook his head. "No, I'll call you if...if things don't work out."

"They will, Steve," Thor spoke with assurance. "Have faith."

"Here goes nothing," Steve said, flashing a boyish grin before saying goodbye and crossing the street.

"Fair One, are you crying?" Thor asked as he turned to Dean and pulled him close.

"It's beautiful," Dean sniffled.

Kyle Hensley paced back and forth in his kitchen and rubbed his hands together to warm them. He'd just taken his dog- a Great Pyrenees named Franklin- out for a lengthy walk. Upon returning to the apartment, his cell phone had started to ring. He looked at the caller ID and sighed heavily before answering, despite the urge to ignore it.


"Merry Christmas, Kyle. How have you been?"

"Fine. I've been fine," Kyle answered, knowing that his terse tone contradicted this. "Just staying busy with work."

"Still teaching at the community college? Enjoying it?"

"Yeah. Yeah, it's been good."

A lengthy pause settled in and Kyle felt the stirrings of guilt as well as a great deal of nostalgia and loneliness.

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