Running Some Tests

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The new Avengers headquarters was quite different past incarnations. Rather than exist as a stationary building, the Avengers took a note from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s playbook and had their very own floating base of operations built. Their helicarrier- dubbed Avalon- was markedly more advanced than the helicarrier that inspired it and bore furnishings reminiscent of previous headquarters as well as advanced stealth and weapons systems.

As Dean flew toward Avalon, he marveled at its size and structure. He'd only heard about it or seen pictures of its development. Being face-to-face with it was an entirely different experience. The structure of Avalon was one large octagon made of polished steel. From his vantage point in the clouds, Dean assessed the prismatic behemoth and thought Avalon looked like one massive crystal.

"Right, so where the heck is the entrance?" He asked himself as he got closer.

As if on cue, Tony came flying out from the underside of Avalon to meet him. Dean grinned as he watched Tony show off his newest suit- solid white with royal blue trim.

"I like the suit," Dean complimented once Tony flew up next to him.

"This old thing? I only wear it when I don't care how I look," he declared in his best southern Belle accent. "How do you like our Death Star?" He added.

"She's pretty," Dean appraised. "I can't wait to get the grand tour."

"She's pretty and basically one of my finest accomplishments," Tony proudly declared.

After a quick loop around Avalon, Tony took Dean to one of the entrances where they were greeted by Pepper and Morgan.

"Has he talked your ear off about the engines?" Pepper asked.

"He's very proud of them," Morgan added as she gave Dean a hug.

"For your information," Tony indignantly spoke up. "I didn't talk anyone's ear off."

"Well, just give him time," Pepper teased before taking Morgan off to the media room down the hall.

Tony rolled his eyes and gave Dean's shoulder a pat. "So, let's get you examined and see what the heck is making my Goosey so sick."

Dean followed Tony down the stainless steel corridor and boarded a transparent elevator that speedily took them to the laboratory. Though this arena wasn't one Dean felt particularly well-versed in, he could see that this lab was far more advanced than the previous ones.

"It helps that we had some extra geniuses around to help with things," Tony explained.

Bruce, still in Hulk form, turned away from a large piece of equipment and hurried over to Dean. He picked him up off of his feet in a big hug before setting him back down. "Sorry," he hastily said. "Tony said you aren't feeling well."

"Just nausea and vomiting. It's probably nothing, but..."

Bruce laid a massive hand on Dean's shoulder. "Say no more, Dean. We'll get to the bottom of this."

"Bruce is right," Reed added as he came around the corner and tapped the screen on his tablet. Sue was at his side, with Franklin trailing behind them.

"Why don't you go ahead and get into an examination gown and then we'll start," Sue offered.

After shedding his clothes and donning the paper gown, Dean walked out of the changing room and took a seat on the exam table.

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