Happy New Year

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A/N: let the Dean and Kyle shenanigans begin. Thor and Steve are in so much trouble with these two together. They are so not ready.

"Where the heck are they?" Tony asked as he leaned against the bar and scanned the crowd. "The party started an hour ago!" He turned to Thor. "Can't you Bifrost their asses here or something?"

Thor chuckled at Tony's terminology and shook his head. "Steve told me that he would be coming along soon."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm glad he answers your texts. I can't believe I'm the last to know he's got a new boyfriend!" He lamented as he sloshed his drink around, spilling some of it in the process.

"You're not the last to know," Pepper sighed as she took Tony's drink out of his hand and set it on the bar.

"It's because I'm not gay, isn't it? This is discrimination!" Tony asked in playful accusation. "Dean, Thor and Steve have their own super cool clique and I'm an outsider."

"Yes, Tony," Dean deadpanned. "And driving you crazy is all part of our gay agenda."

"I knew it," Tony huffed with a wink and a smile. "Just call me Nancy Drew."

Dean turned to Thor. "He's onto us, babe."

"Does Bucky know that's Steve's bringing a guest?" Pepper asked as she looked over at Bucky, who was standing around with Sam, Johnny and Ben.

"I sure as hell hope so," Tony said after picking up her drinking and downing the rest of it. "This is a no-drama party."

Thor smirked. "Stark, with you there is always drama."

Tony shrugged. "He's not lying." He then turned to Dean. "Why don't you go and...you know...get your feelers out? See what Bucky's mood is?"

"Tony, I'm not a mood ring," Dean laughed. "Besides, I'm not getting anywhere near the middle of that. I am a supportive friend and spectator like everyone else."

Tony rolled his eyes. "You're a lot more fun at parties when you can drink, you know?"

"Well, I'm sorry that I have a baby in my spirit womb whose development depends on my life force and healthy choices," Dean said with a sarcastic smirk.

Tony waved a hand. "Pregnant people." He looked at Thor. "How're the mood swings treating you, buddy? He drive you crazy yet?"

Thor smiled. "Well, actually..."

"Yes, sweetheart," Dean said with a playful glare. "Tell us all about it."

Thor cleared his throat. "Dean has not been very moody. At all. Not in the least."

Dean smiled and laid a comforting hand on Thor's forearm. "I might have thrown a little tantrum because he brought home vanilla ice cream instead of French vanilla ice cream."

Thor shook his head as he took his flask out of his jacket pocket and poured a little Asgardian liquor in his drink. "It was a good tantrum. Odin himself would have been intimidated."

"And I'm very sorry," Dean said before kissing Thor's cheek.

"Pregnant sex makes up for the tantrums though, am I right?" Tony asked.

"Anthony!" Pepper hissed as she elbowed him.

Dean rolled his eyes. "I think I'm going to go and make my rounds," he said. "Say hello to everyone."

"I'll join you," Pepper said.

As the two of them walked off, Tony leaned into Thor. "So, is he wearing you out?"

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