The Horny Part of Pregnancy (NSFW)

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A/N: Also known as "Dean Turns Into a Big Freak and Thor Loves it". There's also a lot of language that I don't normally use. I guess I'm leaning into new territory when it comes to writing these scenes.

"So that's everything as far as living quarters," Tony explained as he, Bruce, Steve and Thor walked through the lavish corridor. The living quarters was a multi-level wing of Avalon that was outfitted with all of the comforts of home.

"I approve," Bruce appraised.

"What do you think, Thor? Big enough for you, Dean and the baby?"

Thor started to speak when his phone suddenly rang.

"Is that Dean?" Tony asked. "Put him on speaker phone."

"Is everything alright?" Thor asked when he answered the phone.

"Everything's fine aside from the fact that I need you to come home and give me that big dick," Dean huffed.

Steve's jaw dropped and Tony began to furiously laugh. He doubled over and Bruce immediately spun around and whispered for him to be quiet.

"Fair One," Thor said in an amused voice. "You are...ahem...on the speaker phone."

"What does that have to do with you coming home and fucking me until I pass out?" Dean asked in a demanding tone. "I'm ready for you now so hurry up."

"Yeah, Thor!" Tony said as he laughed so hard that tears began to form in his eyes. "What's that got to do with anything?"

Thor smiled as he hung up and then threw an apologetic look at the others. "You will have to go on without me. It seems Dean has finally entered the horny part of his pregnancy."

"You think!" Tony said before smiling wistfully. "Man, I remember when Pepper was pregnant and got to that point. Horny pregnant is the best." He slapped Thor on his shoulder. "Christmas definitely came early for you, my man."

"I do not know when I will see you again," Thor chuckled as he summoned Stormbreaker to his hand.

"Been nice knowing you," Bruce said.

"We'll never forget you, buddy," Tony chuckled.

Without another word, Thor power walked to the nearest exit and flew away from Avalon. As soon as he'd gained a little distance, he summoned the Bifrost, landing on the front lawn of his and Dean's house. He entered, dropped Stormbreaker by the stairwell, then took the steps two at a time to get up to the bedroom.

Dean was laying on the bed, his legs spread in the air as he worked a dildo in and out of himself. With a hungry growl, Thor reached for his shirt and tore it off before yanking his boots and jeans off as well. Dean eyed the swelling cock as it bobbed and swayed in time with Thor's steps. He began to furiously fuck himself with the toy as Thor stalked toward him, knowing how much this would fuel Thor's urges.

"I hate the thought of you resorting to this toy for pleasure, Fair One," Thor sighed as he reached down and caught Dean's hand. He pulled the dildo away, causing the most delicious little wet pop that made his cock twitch. "It's so tiny," he added as he held the toy next to his manhood for comparison. He smiled, for his immense cock easily dwarfed the toy.

"Don't talk to me," Dean groaned as he pulled Thor between his legs. "Just fuck me!"

Thor tossed the dildo over his shoulder, gave a hearty laugh and grabbed Dean by his thighs, dragging him closer to him. He laid his legs on his broad shoulders and began to slide his fingers up and down Dean's slick entrance. "You're so wet for me," he cooed as he enjoyed the velvety heat of Dean's ass.

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