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"The baby is perfectly fine," Lavenda decreed after giving Dean and the baby a thorough assessment. She stood beside Dean as he lay reclining on the examination table as the Soul Forge displayed his spiritual womb and the baby that grew within it.

"You're certain?" Thor asked as he hovered very close and stared at the swirl of energy that signified the womb and child.

Lavenda clucked her tongue and reached over to lay a hand on Thor's arm. "Odinson, there is very little you need worry about. Your child is very healthy. Thriving. Nurtured by the life force of Dean, which is being nurtured very much by your love."

Thor relaxed at this, smiling and taking profound comfort and pride just knowing that his part in the pregnancy was far more than simply planting the seed.

Dean propped himself up on his elbows. "Lavenda? This might be a stupid question. Is there any chance of me getting pregnant while I'm still pregnant?" He had to laugh at what he'd just said. Never in a million years would he have imagined such words escaping him.

Lavenda chuckled. "Oh, of course not! In fact, continuing to have intercourse will be good for fetal development! As I said, Thor's love nurtures you, and you nurture the baby. The more he does, the more you do, the better for baby."

Thor gave Dean a playful look as if to say now you have no excuses. Dean rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Is there anything else you're curious about?" Lavenda asked as she plucked a cinnamon roll from the plate Dean had brought for her.

"How do we know when this will happen again?" Dean asked. "Not that I'm not happy with having a baby. I just would like to know how I can plan for the next it's not so much of a surprise."

"That's easy. It all comes down to the stars," Lavenda said as she chewed. "See, your fertility is entirely linked to the placement of stars. I can draw up a chart for you. You'll have episodes of fertility a few times each year that the chart will show you. You can use it to plan your pregnancies."

"And if we use protection during those times?"

"Prophylactics will decrease the likelihood of pregnancy. Though you should be aware that Asgardian males are especially potent."

Dean ignored the boyish look of pride on Thor's face and took in what Lavenda said with a shrug- his response to everything he'd learned since discovering Thor could impregnate him. "Sounds good," he said as he sat up and hopped off of the table.

Lavenda clapped her hands. "I'm so excited! A summer baby! Just like you, Thor!"

"What was Thor like as a baby?" Dean asked.

Lavenda looked over at Thor and shook her head as if attempting to banish a bad memory. "Difficult! He was easily the most stubborn. Refused to cooperate and come out. And when he did? Odin's beard was he loud! And big! And oh, how he squirmed and fought as I tried to clean and swaddle him."

Dean looked over at Thor and lifted an eyebrow. "A big baby? Surely not."

Thor cleared his throat. "Lavenda, surely you jest. Mother always said I was perfect."

Lavenda chuckled. "Every parent thinks their baby is perfect, Odinson. But you were pretty close to it- after you stopped squirming and crying and settled down!"

"Hmm," Dean said as he leaned on Thor's shoulder. "What else can you tell me about him, Lavenda?"

"Well, in his youth..."

Thor cleared his throat and flashed a massive smile. "I think that is all we needed today, Lavenda!" He quickly said.

Dean smiled. "We'll talk some other time, Lavenda."

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