The Horniest Part of Pregnancy (NSFW)

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"You do know that I could have brought us here far more quickly had we used the Bifrost," Thor chuckled as he parked the car and gazed over at Dean.

"But traveling is part of the fun," Dean said as he unfastened his seatbelt and got out of the car.

"Whatever my husband wants," Thor said as he wrapped Dean in his arms and kissed him.

"Let's go. I want to feel the ocean and sand between my toes!" Dean took his flip flops off and ran excitedly out onto the sand, beckoning Thor to follow.

Thor removed his flip flops and wrapped an arm around Dean's waist as they stood ankle deep in the water and allowed it to wash over their feet, shifting the wet sand underfoot. Together, they inhaled the salty sea breeze and felt the setting sun on their skin.

The house they had rented for their honeymoon in Fiji was right on the beach and Dean couldn't have pictured a house more ideal.

"Come," Thor said as he lifted Dean up into his arms and carried him up to the entrance of the house. Dean looked up onto his face and saw the pride and joy he felt in carrying out such an important milestone as he carried him across the threshold.

"Such a good husband." Dean rubbed Thor's chest.

"And like any good husband, I must make love to you on our wedding night. Our first time as a married couple."

"I'm like a virgin," Dean giggled.

"So fine," Thor said as he carried Dean into the master suite and sat him on the bed. "And you're mine."

"Show me," Dean growled, reaching up for the hem of Thor's tank top and pulling it up. "Show me that I'm yours."

Soon, the two of them were naked and pressed against one another, the sound of distant waves crashing through the open window.

"I have something for you, Fair One," Thor whispered.

"Mmhmm," Dean moaned as he took Thor's nipple between his lips and reached down for his cock.

"That and something else."

Dean kissed his way back up Thor's neck. "What is it?"

"Wait here."

Dean rolled aside and watched Thor get up and walk to the luggage.

"Please don't tell me you're putting another app-controlled butt plug in me," Dean groaned as he hungrily eyed Thor's cock.

"No toys," Thor promised as he retrieved what looked like an apple with a shimmery gold skin.

Dean sat up and shook his head. "Okay, you are not putting an apple in me."

Thor shook his head and crawled back on the bed and up onto Dean. "This is fruit from the garden of Idunn," he said with a smile.

Dean stared at the fruit. When he took a bite, he'd live like Thor. Smiling, he opened his mouth and accepted a bite. The fruit had a texture that was a cross between an apple and an orange. It gushed in Dean's mouth, the juices escaping his lips and running down his chin. Thor had a wolffish smile and leaned down to catch the juice with his tongue. Dean swallowed the delicious fruit before accepting Thor's mouth.

"Delicious," Thor sighed as he moved back and licked his lips. He tore a piece of the fruit off and fed it to Dean, allowing his fingers to linger in his mouth. He used his thumb to catch juice as he spilled and sucked it off with a smile.

"So good." Dean pushed Thor onto his back and the thunder god reclined back on the cushioned headboard and watched as Dean straddled his lap. He leaned over and took another bite from the fruit in Thor's hand as he reached for his cock. He pressed it against his opening, enjoying the simultaneous pleasures of taste and touch.

"Fuck," Thor moaned as he watched Dean take his cock and sexily eat the juicy fruit from his hand. Once the last bite was gone, Dean kept Thor's finger in his mouth and sucked very slowly moved. "Fuck!" He repeated as he felt Dean clench around his dick as he gradually moved down until it was completely seated inside of him.

"Mmm," Dean sighed, licking his lips and rolling his hips, making Thor gasp. "So good, daddy."

Thor put his hands on Dean's waist and simply held on while Dean worked his cock, gripping him in a way that has him immediately panting. "I love that," he gasped.

"Love what?" Dean asked.

"The way you...ahhh...move on my cock. Always hitting the right spots."

"Oh, believe me, I can tell how much you love it." Dean could feel Thor throbbing against his prostate.

Thor groaned as he fought the urge to actively fuck Dean. Instead, he laid back and enjoyed the show of Dean's body, coated in sweat and riding him as if his life depended on taking all of him.

Dean watched Thor's expression and grinned knowingly. "You really want to throw me on the bed and fuck me, don't you?"


Dean put his hands on Thor's hard pecs and squeezed. "Well, what are you waiting for, daddy? Throw me down and pound me."

Thor gave him a huge smile and quickly jumped up to his knees and began lifting Dean's body up and down on him, using him as if he were a human fleshlight. He cried out as Thor's cock repeatedly hit him deep, rocking his whole body. He wrapped his arms around Thor and squeezed his body, crying out as Thor's girth stretched him and battered the sweet spot deep inside. Holding on for dear life, his body shuddered and spasmed and he shot thick ropes of cum up between their chests.

"Beautiful," Thor snarled. He laid Dean on his back and withdrew his cock. Then he reached between them and gathered up a handful of Dean's spend. He rubbed it up and down his fat cock before pushing back inside of him.

"Keep fucking me!" Dean demanded as he lifted his legs and grabbed onto his ankles, pulling his legs all the back. Thor laid into him and watched his cock disappearing inside of him with every thrust. Then, in one great roar, he spilled inside of Dean and then collapsed on top of him.

As the room cooled and their hearts stopped racing, Dean ran his fingers through Thor's hair and kissed his cheek. "My husband, forever," he sighed.

"My husband, forever," Thor repeated. He squeezed Dean against him and smiled as he fell asleep.

Thor and Dean Odinson will return in Avengers: Vengeance.

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