Wedding/Baby Shower

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On the day of the wedding and baby shower, Pepper and Sue were mistresses of the ceremony as they excitedly coordinated every minute detail.

"You two are doing way too much," Dean protested when he saw how they'd transformed the massive party room on Avalon into one gigantic baby and wedding-themed extravaganza. Tables were laid with an assortment of appetizers while ribbons and balloons hung from any place they could be attached.

"Dean," Sue sternly said. "You snapped Thanos and his army out of existence; I think you're more than entitled to a big baby and wedding shower."

Pepper folded her arms across her and nodded her head, daring Dean to argue.

"Alright, I give," Dean playfully sighed.

"How's the baby?" Sue asked.

"Coming right along," Dean said. "I felt them kick the other day."

Sue and Pepper each raised an eyebrow.

"It...was basically a psychic sort of thing. The baby is more active so I get these warm flutters in my body."

"That's so stinking cute," Sue gasped. "I love a baby."

"Have you and Thor decided on any names yet?" Pepper asked.

"Not quite yet," Dean said as he grabbed a pink balloon and studied it absently. "We've thrown around several ideas but nothing really feels right, you know? The only thing we're certain of is that we want them to have an Asgardian name and a Midgardian name."

Pepper grinned. "Maybe you could use a family name? I named Morgan after my uncle."

"Franklin was Reed's dad's name," Sue added.

Dean mulled that over. "Loki would probably laugh from beyond the grave if we named the baby after him after everything we went through. If it's a girl we definitely couldn't name her after Thor's sister," Dean chuckled. "She kind of broke Thor's hammer and set the wheels in motion for the apocalypse."

Sue clicked her tongue. "Johnny tore the heads off of my favorite Barbies once."

"What a little shit," Pepper mused.

"I retaliated by super glueing all of his comic books' pages together," Sue said with a satisfied smile.

"Nice," Pepper laughed before returning to the subject. "What about yours or Thor's parents names?" Pepper asked. "Jack and Rosie or Odin and Frigga?"

Dean shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know."

"Ooh," Sue said suddenly. "What will the baby's last name be?"

"Well, in Thor's culture the child takes the father's name for their last name and either son or dottir is added to it. So Thorson or Thorsdottir."

While Pepper and Sue busied themselves with saying different combinations of names, guests began to filter in. Thor, having been deep in conversation with Reed, Ben, Johnny, Tony and Bruce, returned to Dean's side to greet the guests. It was a varied mixture of Avengers, family, friends, Guardians and Inhumans, to name a few. Despite many of them never formally meeting, everyone appeared to be getting along quite well.

As everyone was getting acquainted, Dean watched as his parents greeted Medusa- who was holding her newborn- and Blackagar. Rocket and Groot were busy making conversation with Brunhilde. Sam and Bucky were sharing a joke with T'Challa, his sister and Okoye. Dean's brothers were attempting to be social with Drax but even from across the room it was clearly a futile effort. All of the kids were playing with Lockjaw. Peter Quill was off in his own world, dancing to the music that was playing while Dean's sisters watched in amusement. Carol and Nick were catching up while they watched Lockjaw and the kids.

"It's a good thing this room is so huge," Kyle said as he and Steve approached. Kyle set their gifts on the table with all of the others and gave Dean a big hug. "How's the pregnant dude?"

"Still pregnant," Dean laughed.

"So," Peter Parker said as he walked up and put his present on the table as well. "I gotta ask, Dean."

Dean lifted an eyebrow and smiled at how nervous Peter looked. "Yes?"

"When you have the baby," Peter said in a nervous voice. "Where's it coming from? I mean...are you going to push it out of know?"

"Oh, not this," Kyle said with a laugh.

Dean shook his head. "No." He then waved his hands round his backside. "This. Is staying pristine."

Thor chuckled and wrapped an arm around Dean. "The largest thing Dean will have inside of him is me."

Dean gasped and gave Thor's chest a little slap. "Peter, please excuse my fiancé, who has had a little too much Asgardian liquor this afternoon."

Thor laughed and put a hand on Peter's shoulder. "Apologies, Peter. The baby will enter the world through a small portal."

Peter nodded in understanding, although Dean could tell he was a bit perplexed and trying to work out the logistics in his head. "Magic isn't logical, Peter," he said with a smile. "Don't think too hard on the specifics."

Pepper and Sue announced that it was time for games, which was amusing to Dean in so many ways- mostly because many of the guests were not entirely acquainted with them and watching Pepper and Sue explain the rules was hilarious.

"Pinning a tail on a donkey sounds cruel and inhumane," Drax said in a very serious tone, eliciting an eye roll from Sue.

Eventually, after everyone had settled into that comfortable space within a party, it was time for gifts. Dean and Thor sat in chairs next to each other while guests brought presents to them. Together, they unwrapped every possible baby gift one could imagine, and then some.

Thor had just finished unwrapping a onesie that had Future Avenger on it when Dean opened up the next present and shook his head. "Rocket. We definitely didn't registered for a blaster," Dean sighed as he lifted the weapon up.

"Hey! That's a solid gift! It goes with the onesie!" Rocket defended. "Besides, all the other stuff was spoken for when we got the registry!"

"I'm not giving my baby a blaster," Dean laughed before putting the gun next to a very large sword Drax had gifted the baby.

As the baby gifts piled up, emotions were getting intense for Dean. He looked at the crib and pictured him and Thor putting the baby down for naps and bedtime and felt himself getting weepy. He was thankful when it was time to start opening wedding gifts, which proved to be more lighthearted.

Medusa and Blackagon presented Dean with a new uniform to wear- a shimmery, sleeveless body suit that was silver from the boots up to the bottom of the ribs. From there it shifted to gold in an ombré effect. The v neckline plunged slightly, and lightweight shoulder guards lent the top of the uniform a regal and tapered quality.

Another notable gift came from Tony, who sat waiting with so much excitement he looked like he might burst.

Dean's eyes widened. "Tony, there are children here!" He scolded. He then looked over at Thor and showed him the gift- an app-controlled vibrating butt plug- and the thunder god threw his head back and laughed so hard Dean thought he might pass out.

Kyle playfully covered Steve's eyes. "I don't think your innocent eyes can handle that!"

Steve grabbed Kyle's hand and pulled it down. "Maybe I'm trying to be a little less innocent these days," he said in a low growl.

Kyle wiggled his eyebrows. "In that case," he whispered, "you'll have to ask Tony where he bought it."

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