Taken by the Storm

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Dean maintained the forcefield as a team of Asterian soldiers rushed in on them. Then, from a place of ambush, Drax jumped down upon them and began to swing his blade at the surprised soldiers. Dean threw a streak of light across the snow, striking one of them in the chest. He twisted his hand, following through with another projectile that threw two more soldiers across the ice.

"What's the situation with the rest of you?" Dean asked.

"Stable," Nebula said. She squeezed the trigger, shooting down several Asterians from her sniping position.

"It's under control," Thor added. He swung Stormbreaker and a massive burst of lightning crackled and shot through the Astrrian ranks.

"The ice storm is here," Mantis warned.

"She's right," Peter groaned as he looked at the sky. Threatening, black funnel clouds were moving in. They're massive bodies swirled, crafting thick tornadoes. Massive slabs of ice were tossed around in the vortexes as they scraped across the valley, picking up more snow and ice with every rotation.

"The pod!" Dean shouted.

"I am Groot."

Dean let out a sigh. "Good work. Just keep it away from the storm and we'll figure something out."

Suddenly another cluster of frigid tornadoes began to dance across the sky toward Dean and his group.

"They're moving too fast!" Drax shouted.

Dean pushed his hands out, firing a wave of light upon the remaining enemies before concentrating every photon he could summon around his group. A tightly packed light bubble encased him and the others as the winds suddenly ripped into them. The bubble was yanked from the ground and sent spinning violently within the eye of the storm.

"Fair One," Thor called out. "We're coming to get you."

Dena gritted his teeth, unable to focus on anything but the shield he was maintaining.

"We've been picked up in the storm," Drax shouted over the howling wind. "Dean is keeping us safe with his forcefield."

Thor glared angrily at the storms on the distance.

"Go," Peter shouted as the pod came into view. "We'll get the pod out of the storm and come and get you."

Nebula, Rocket and Peter took off for the pod and Thor took to the sky, flying through the storm and across the mountain.

Dean's head was throbbing from the strain of maintaining the forcefield under the punishment of the gale force winds and jagged sheets of ice. The forcefield would crack, allowing frigid winds to lash through it, chilling the occupants before Dean would repair it with more photons. But the strain was getting to be unbearable. His eyes were closed tightly but he knew he wouldn't be able to see much even if they weren't; the storm was so dense and black.

Moisture hit his upper lip and he tasted blood.

The entire bubble rocked suddenly as something collided with it and the Asterians cried out in fear.

"Haha!" Drax bellowed. "Lord of Thunder!"

Thor had flown up through the storm and against the bubble. He pressed his back against it, hefting it up onto his shoulders as he kept up his ascent. Flying against the swirling, powerful winds, he shoved the bubble up and through the top of the storm and into the upper atmosphere.

"He's taken us out of the storm!" Akwas marveled as he stared at the Asgardian below them.

"Tree!" Thor shouted. "Bring the pod!"

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