Not My Carnival, Not My Clowns

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After a quick delivery of the news, Thor returned to the exam room to find that Dean had gotten off of the exam table and was burning the floor up as he walked the length of the room.

"This is..." Dean huffed as he paced back and forth in the exam room. "I'm..."

"Fair One," Thor implored.

"Are you sure?" Dean asked as he stopped walking and looked at Lavenda. "You're sure there are two?"

Lavenda clasped her hands and nodded excitedly.



"The soul forge couldn't be wrong? And wouldn't they both be there in the beginning?"

"Pregnancies of spirit are different, Dean," Lavenda explained. Then she burst into a big, excited smile. "Two royal babies. Oh, how wonderful! And they're snuggled up together in your womb. Happy and thriving."

Dean was silent for a few seconds as he contemplated what was happening to him. He stood frozen in place and Thor moved to pull him into his arms.

"I'll leave the two of you alone," Lavenda said after a quick smile.

The door closed behind Lavenda and Thor took Dean's chin and lifted so he could see his eyes. "Tell me what you feel."

Dean opened his mouth to speak and then felt a wave of anxiety strike him. He clung to Thor's biceps as his knees wobbled. Recognizing his distress, Thor supported him up and held him against his chest.

"I'm scared," Dean confessed in a small voice. "I thought I was ready for a baby. But babies?"

"We can do this, Dean," Thor confidently declared.

Dean shook his head. "I don't know, Thor."

Thor shook his head. "Listen to me. You have done things that most have never done before. You faced the Destroyer. Fought the Chitauri off to save New York. You slayed dark elves." Thor's voice became more enthusiastic. "And then there was Ultron! Acrimon! Thanos! Even your own teammates!"

Dean took what Thor said and tried to use it and him as an anchor.

"And let us not forget your battle in the arena on Sakaar. With that whip? I think about that one in particular all the time," Thor added with a warm smile and a sexy wink. "Were you afraid when you fought those battles?" He asked.

"I was sometimes."

"But you fought. I saw you fight. Fair One?"

Dean looked up at Thor. "Yeah?" He sniffled.

"Every time you fight, you do it from a place of love. It's who you are, Dean. Do you love our children?"

Dean nodded profusely. "Of course I love them. I love them so much and I haven't even held them yet."

"Then I know you have nothing to fear. Let love guide you," he said before kissing Dean. "It's your real power, you know."

Dean took a big, deep breath and slowly exhaled. "I guess we need a second crib, don't we?"

"This is all your fault, by the way," Dean teased as he sat down across from Kyle with his lunch. "For speaking this into existence at the New Year party."

"Oh, no! I'm not taking the blame for that," Kyle said as he used his chopsticks to snatch up some shrimp lo mein. "That's all you and Thor."

"I'm just glad it wasn't something we found out, like, the day of the birth. Can you imagine the shock of that?"

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