A Little Competition

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Thor stood in the doorway of the bathroom and toweled of his hair. When he pulled the towel away, he spied Dean laying on the bed. He was laying on his stomach, his bare skin illuminated by the alien sunlight that slipped in through the windows. A halo of light framed his perfect, pert ass and Thor momentarily thought of abandoning the foolish game. But, he decided, delaying things a bit would make the end result even more satisfying. The end result, of course, being when Dean caved in. He chuckled lightly at the thought.

Dean yawned and arched his back a little before looking over his shoulder. "Is something funny?"


Dean rolled over and sat up. "Tell me. I like laughing."

"It's just funny to me how foolish you're being, thinking you can resist me."

Dean shook his head and rolled back over.  "I was just thinking the same thing about you."

He grinned as he felt Thor's footsteps carrying him toward the bed. He could feel him get on the bed and start to crawl over until he was hovering just above him. He placed a hand on either side of Dean's head and looked down at him.

"What are you going to do?" Dean asked as he arched his back again, rubbing his ass up against Thor's dangling manhood.

Thor smirked and leaned in until his lips were touching his ear. "Tell you that I'll be  right back."

"What?" Dean asked, barely able to hide the disappointment on his voice.

It didn't escape Thor's notice. He smiled and moved away from Dean. "I thought I'd let you have your nap. I'll be back to wake you for dinner."

For a fraction of a second Dean considered giving in. It was absolutely foolish, after all, that he should play a game like this. Especially when Thor's cock was right there.

"Unless you wanted me to stick around for some reason?" Thor offered.

Dean spied the proposition in Thor's voice and read between the lines. Unless you want to give in and admit defeat.

"No, I'm going to have a nap," Dean said in a determined voice.

"As you wish," Thor chuckled. He leaned over and placed a slow, lingering kiss on Dean's lips. Then, with one final glimpse of that delicious ass, he put on his clothes and was out the door.

Dean covered up with the sheet and sighed. Despite the desire, he really was tired. And his headache had only slightly abated. A nap would serve a few purposes after all.

The beeping sound of Thor using his pass key to open the door roused Dean from his sleep. It slid open, permitting some noise from the corridor to seep into their rented rooms before closing again and drowning all in silence. Dean listened intently, his heart suddenly pounding in anticipation as Thor's footsteps grew closer. He smiled and kept his face hidden from view, making sure that the sheet was just barely covering his lower body. Every cell was alive with excitement as he waited for Thor's inevitable touch on his skin.

Thor stood beside the bed, watching Dean with a huge grin. "I know you're awake, Fair One. I see your reflection in the window."

Dammit. I'm slipping.

"So? Ready to admit defeat yet?" Thor asked.

Dean stretched and sat up. "No. Are you?"

"Not at all." Thor smiled as he began to plan out his next actions, knowing Dean stood little chance with what he had up his sleeve. "Let's go and get some food."

Dean dressed for the warmth of the planet's climate- shorts and a tank top- and followed a similarly-attired Thor out of the room. They walked out of the hotel, meeting the others just outside. They ventured out into the busy streets, losing themselves in a sea of vendors and patrons. Thor kept a hand on Dean's lower back as they meandered through the marketplace and tried samples of various foods before making their meal choices.

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