Christmas Homecoming

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"Now, Fair One," Thor said as he sat up and looked at Dean. "I expect you to be on your best behavior while we have guests for Christmas."

Dean stretched and then curled up next to Thor. The smile he wore was one of total satisfaction and contentment. "I'm always on my best behavior."

Thor rolled his eyes. "Except when you're not."

Dean's eyes fluttered open and he looked up at Thor with an expression of feigned shock. "When did I misbehave?"

"Would you like me to recount the tale?"

Dean shrugged and gave Thor a nonchalant smirk. "I was minding my own business, pleasuring myself, when you stormed into the room and...had your way with me."

Thor threw himself back onto the bed and let out an exasperated groan. "You're impossible!" He teased.

Dean rolled on top of him. "Was I...too much?" He asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

Thor gave him a fond smile and shook his head. "Fair One- you're talking to the former party boy of Asgard. That sort of bedroom revelry is quite tame compared to the antics I used to partake in."

Dean never had any illusions or jealousy about Thor having lovers in the past. If anything it was Thor's extensive experience that made him such a flawless lover. He was intrigued with just how kinky things could be. But he felt a sudden stab of concern- had he been too tame for Thor's wilder side?

"What is it, lover?" Noticing a change in Dean's demeanor, Thor circled his arms around him.

"I never really gave this much thought before. I satisfy you?"

Thor scowled. "What type of question is that?"

"I just...I know you've had a lot more experience than me. I was a virgin when I met you." Dean drew a deep breath in. "I satisfy you, don't I? I haven't had to water yourself down for me, have you?

"Fair One. This is ridiculous." He moved so that their faces were closer and rubbed Dean's cheek. "Do you have any idea how much I have enjoyed taking a supple virgin like you?"

"I mean, you are still hanging around."

Thor chuckled. "Yes, I am still hanging around. And I am marrying you. Does that not tell you what you need to know?" When Dean nuzzled into Thor's neck, the god grinned and gave him a squeeze. "Silly," he said in a teasing voice.

"I guess it's just me being more emotional. Super emotional and super horny. I hope you can handle that."

"Fair One- I have slayed dragons, wrestled Frost Giants, and hunted Bilgesnipes."

"Did you just compare me to a monster?" Dean asked. Thor heaved a great sigh and Dean playfully kissed him. He then ran a finger up and down Thor's pec, paying close attention to his nipple.

"Fair One?"


"What are you doing?"

"Oh...nothing." Dean gave a breathy sigh. "Just thinking about how I'm going to get you to fuck me again."

Thor shook his head. "I have given you four loads, Fair One. One of those in your mouth."

"Is there something wrong with that?"

Thor shook his head emphatically and traced a finger along Dean's hip. "Not at all. But you need hydration before we have another bout."

Dean started to get up with Thor and the top put his hands on Dean's chest and gently pushed him back onto the pillow. "No, you're staying in bed. Can't have you spilling my seed all over the floors, can I?"

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