Author's Note Pt. 2

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Dear Readers,

Well, after some teasing we finally have met Kyle. And, as you probably noticed, he is a mutant. There's clearly a lot of angst that he hasn't made peace with- from his childhood, the Blip, Professor Xavier and Steve. I definitely plan to do a spin-off story to provide more background in the same way I did with the Fantastic Four before I integrated them into the series.

I know there are probably quite a few questions at this point. What is Kyle's super power? What is Steve going to say when he finds out Kyle has kept this entire part of his life from him? Are he and Steve going to have sex?

The following are guaranteed:
-The X-Men are coming. But I wonder who is on the team?
-Kyle and Dean are going to become amazing and inseparable friends. Thor and Steve are not ready.
-Steve and Kyle (Style? Lol) will be seeing a lot of NSFW content. Trust me. We will finally get to see what Steve's packing. Steve's going to light that ass up like the Fourth of July. Rest assured, the ramparts will gallantly stream. I'm done with Fourth of July jokes. For now.

Sometimes when I write I don't know what the heck I'm doing. I will plant seeds here and there that I can play with later in the series but there's often no plan- just stream of consciousness stuff. For the Kyle chapter I went in mostly blind and just let it write itself. I always tell myself that the golden rule is I have to be having fun, hoping that it will be fun for readers too.

I can't thank you guys enough for reading my stuff. Fun fact: I wrote the first three stories of this series several years ago and never shared them with anyone because I was embarrassed of my work and afraid of showing it. I'm so glad I got over that and started sharing because I absolutely live for comments and feedback. So thank you so so so much for the engagement. It really fuels and inspires me when I wake up in the morning and see the comments.

Fasten your seatbelts,

Luminous Avenger

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