I Did It

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"You and Steve were gone for some time," Thor ventured as he looked over at Dean. "I trust all is well?"

Dean smiled as he felt Thor's arm squeeze his waist as they walked together. "Well..."

"That is a no."

Dean sighed. "He kind of dropped a big bomb on me."

Thor listened intently as Dean explained to him what Steve had said. After he spoke, Thor took in every word he'd said. "Well. Steve is not in love with Bucky," he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"He does love him."

"But he is not in love with him, Fair One. There is a difference. What they have is not the same what you and I share. I hope they find it though."

Dean shivered from the cold. "I feel awful for them. The whole thing is just...it's sad."

Thor nodded his head in agreement. "It is. But Steve must make a decision. And Bucky deserves to hear the truth from him."

"I agree. That's what I told him."

Thor suddenly steered Dean toward a nearby coffee shop. "Come. A hot beverage will warm you."

Dean took a seat at one of the tables and set his shopping bags in the seat next to him. After leaving Steve and Bucky's apartment, the two of them had gone Christmas shopping in New York. With so many people to buy for, the task was certainly an extensive one. But Thor approached the task with such enthusiasm that Dean couldn't help but feel it too. The act of gift-giving was exciting for the thunder god- especially when it came to gifts for the children.

As they'd perused the toy store, Thor's arms were quickly filled with an abundance of toys.

"Thor! That's a lot of toys!" Dean laughed as he struggled to find his fiancé's face in the bundle of toys he was carrying to the shopping cart.

"Nonsense!" Thor declared as he set everything in the cart. "Besides- these are not all for our nieces and nephews. There are gifts for children in New Asgard. And I've taken all of the names on the angel tree," he added. "All children should have such gifts!"

Dean felt his chest tighten with emotion. His big, strong, and mighty fiancé had the heart of an eternal child and generosity to match it. He could feel his eyes watering.

"Now," Thor said as he looked ahead of them. "There is a doll that messes itself that I must find for a girl. And coats! Children must have warm coats."

As Dean followed his enthusiastic lover, Thor suddenly became distracted by something in the distance. He promptly changed direction and Dean saw that he was moving toward the baby department. When he caught up with him, Thor was standing in front of a nursery display. He was running a hand along the arm of a very comfortable-looking rocking chair.

"We need this," Thor decided with a bright smile. "For when we feed and rock the baby. For when I tell them stories."

The visual of Thor cradling a tiny baby in his big arms set Dean's figurative ovaries ablaze and he began to cry.

"Fair One!" Thor gasped. He rushed over to Dean and pulled him against his chest. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just...thinking about you feeding the baby...rocking them...changing the diapers. And you're going to be such a great father," he cried.

Thor chuckled at his lover's pregnant emotions. "I hope to be, Fair One. And so will you."

Thor returned to the table with two steaming mugs, pulling Dean from his thoughts about the baby department. "There," he said. "A hot beverage to warm my mate."

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