Last Night as Bachelors

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Time slipped by at a slow rate for Dean and Thor as the wedding approached. With the nursery complete and all of the supplies purchased and ready, the only task left was clothing for the twins.

"I hope one of them is a girl," Rosie had said. "I keep seeing so many adorable little dresses!"

"Why didn't you just ask what you're having?" Dean's sister Janet asked. "Then we can know exactly what clothes to buy."

"They want it to be a surprise, Jan," Grace reminded her. "Besides, there are plenty of gender neutral clothes we can get for them in the meantime."

"And it's not like we won't be swimming in baby clothes after they're born," Dean added. "Literally everyone has stuff in online shopping carts. They're just waiting for confirmation before they buy."

Pacified by this, the women shifted their focus to wedding talk.

"I love the way you're doing things," Janet complimented. "It's going to be such a beautiful ceremony."

When the month of April arrived, Dean could feel the proximity to his wedding day overriding his emotions even more. The days leading up to the wedding saw the arrival of the many guests who would attend and the media had worked itself into an absolute frenzy over the wedding of two superheroes.

Then the day arrived.

Thor woke with a smile just before sunrise and looked down at Dean, who was nestled up against his chest. He reflected on the fact that his entire world was curled up against him and the smile broadened.

Today is our day.

Dean's eyes fluttered open and he looked up at his fiancé. "Hi."


"I can't believe we're awake this early. Especially after last night," Dean said.

The night prior, Tony had orchestrated a bachelor party for Dean and Thor. Drawing inspiration from Thor's stories of such celebrations, Tony had arranged for a party in the clearing of the woods outside of the cabin, complete with a fire and plenty of alcohol.

"I was going to get some strippers," Tony explained as the group of men gathered around a fire and drank an assortment of liquor (aside from Dean and Peter Parker).

"Missed opportunity!" Bruce shouted loudly, already feeling the Asgardian liquor that he'd spiked his beer with.

Kyle shook his head and clinked his beer against Dean's La Croix can. "Maybe if I get enough drink in me, I'll put on a show."

Steve chuckled and rested a hand on Kyle's knees. "Yeah, and that'll be for an audience of one- me," he said with a playful and drunken smile.

"Captain America! Are you intoxicated?" Kyle asked with playful outrage as he accusingly pressed a finger to Steve's chest.

Steve shook his head and put his index finger to Kyle's lips. "Shh, gorgeous. I'm just a little tipsy."

"A little? Steve, you're..."

Kyle never got to finish the sentence. Steve cupped his face, leaned in and kissed him. Much to the surprise of everyone, he opened his mouth and slipped his tongue into Kyle's.

"Woah! PDA?!" Tony exclaimed. "Who are you and what have you done with Steve Rogers?"

Steve smiled into the kiss and then leaned back and fixed Kyle with a big grin. "Must be the Asgardian liquor," he said as he licked his lips.

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