The Hornier Part of Pregnancy (NSFW)

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A few days after the New Year celebration, the Avengers planned to meet at Avalon for what Dean hoped would be a brief meeting. He was feeling particularly nesty and wanted to be home.

"It won't take very long, Dean. Just a quick meeting to go over recent happenings," Thor assured him as he rubbed his hands up and down his arms.

"I just feel like I should be doing something to prepare. We haven't gotten the nursery ready and Lavenda says the baby will be here in July..."

"Which is still months away," Thor said in a soothing voice. "Besides- the baby shower will be happening soon. We'll have everything the baby will need then."

Dean rested his hands on Thor's chest and smiled. "I'm sorry. I'm an anxious mood today."

"What can I do to help?" Thor asked. Then his eyes shone with a mischievous gleam.


"I know exactly how to take your mind off of your worries," Thor said as he took Dean by the hand and led him to the bedroom.

"Thor, the meeting is about to start. We won't have time to..."

Thor put a finger to Dean's lips. "We'll have time enough for what I have in mind."

Confused and intrigued, Dean sat down on the bed and watched as Thor walked to the closet and pulled a little black box off of a shelf. He walked back to Dean and set the box on the bed beside him. He was about to ask Thor what was inside the box when the thunder god stood him up and began to undress him.

"Thor," Dean sighed as Thor removed his shirt and began to kiss his neck. He moved his hands down his core and opened his pants.

"Shh," Thor whispered. "Just let daddy take care of you."

Completely naked, Dean was guided back onto the bed. He watched with mounting curiosity as Thor knelt between his legs and reached for the box. He winked at Dean before opening it up and producing a black silicon butt plug.

Dean's eyes widened. "You hate when I use toys," he gasped.

Thor opened up a bottle of lube and began to coat the plug with it. "Yes, but this is a special sort of toy. Pull your legs back."

"What makes it...ah..."

Thor grinned as he began to probe Dean's ass with his slick fingers. "Shh," he repeated. "You'll find out soon."

Dean gasped as Thor started to work a second finger into him. He could feel the thick fingers spreading apart, scissoring within him. Then, once he was satisfied that Dean was ready, he withdrew his fingers. He pressed the tip of the butt plug against his entrance and, very slowly, began to push it into him.

"'s thick..."

"You can take it. Just breathe."

Dean gasped as he felt his rim being stretched by the plug. Then, having taken the widest part of the toy, he felt the tapered end slide in easier.

"There," Thor said as he stared down at the end of the plug. "Beautiful."

Dean whimpered at how full he felt and watched Thor as he studied him with lustful eyes. He could see the very distinct outline of his hard cock and, though the plug felt fine enough, he would have preferred having Thor inside of him instead.

"Now. Get dressed," Thor said with a big smirk. "Or we'll be late for the meeting."

"Wha-what?" Dean asked, nearly dazed by the sensations of the plug and the desire for Thor. "But..."

Thor leaned down and silenced him with a kiss. "Don't worry. Just do as daddy says."

Dean looked into Thor's intense eyes and his entire being throbbed at just how incredibly m sexy this scenario was. The combination of a secret sex toy that only he and Thor knew about, along with Thor's dominance, were slamming all of the right buttons.

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