Catching Up

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Thor stood on the back porch and watched with concern as Dean paced back and forth in the yard while he talked on the phone. The minute Dean had announced Wanda's text- can you talk?-he'd shot out of the kitchen like a rocket, immediately dialing her.

"Wanda, are you safe?" Dean asked as soon as Wanda answered, dispensing with the usual greetings. "Please tell me you're safe."

"I'm safe, Dean. I promise."

Dean felt a dam within him crumbling and he let out a shuddering sigh. "I've been so worried about you. Everyone has."

"I know," Wanda sighed. "I'm sorry. For everything."

Dean waved a hand. "Wanda. I know you're heart. I know you didn't do any of that to intentionally hurt anyone and that's enough for me."

Wanda chuckled sadly. "Not everyone sees that. To most people I'm the villain. You can trace every problem back to me."

"That's bullshit, Wanda..."

"I manipulated Tony into creating Ultron. Is that bullshit?" Wanda spoke crisply.

"You did that before you knew..."

"My failure in Lagos gave us the Sokovia Accords..."

"Crossbones is the asshole in that situation- not you..."

"But who were they talking about on the news? I was the one everyone was so afraid of. And the Avengers were torn apart for it," Wanda countered.

Dean shut his eyes and massaged the bridge of his nose. "Wanda, we all had a part to play in that. Everyone involved in that is to blame for what happened."

"It just keeps happening," Wanda argued. "Other people can choose the wrong path and people will say 'well, they meant well'. But my mistakes are so monumental, they overshadow any good I can do."

Dean smiled tightly. "You're not going to convince me that you're the villain, Wanda. I don't know everything that happened in Westview, but I know enough to know that you were heartbroken. People don't always do things they're proud of when they feel that way. When Thor was at his lowest..."

"He didn't hold an entire town hostage, Dean. But if he had, he would be forgiven for it."

"Trust me, Thor let plenty of people down and has had to win back their trust."

Wanda let out a deep sigh and then went quiet.

"Where are you?" Dean asked.

Wanda gave a little chuckle. "Somewhere I can't hurt anyone."

"Can I do anything for you?"

"Don't do that Dean. Don't feel like you have to make up for anything. It isn't your job to babysit me."

"I know. But if you need something..."

"I promise, I'm alright."

"I know this is a long shot. But why don't you come to Thanksgiving with my family? There's more than enough space and food. You can come and stay with us."

Wanda started to speak but her response was suddenly swallowed on silence. Sensing her hesitation, Dean waited patiently for her to reply.

"Dean," she finally said in a voice that conveyed immense distraction. "I don't... know."

"You're welcome if you want to," Dean said, not wanting to push the issue.

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