Ice Planet

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The smaller pod ejected from its docking bay in The Benatar and began a smooth descent toward the icy planet. As it approached the atmosphere, the entry became rockier, with the small craft being throttled.

"Everyone hang on," Rocket called out as he manned the controls. "Should smooth out shortly."

"I am Groot."

"Would you like to fly this thing?" Rocket said, tossing a scowl Groot's way.

"I am Groot."

"That's what I thought!" Rocket replied before making some adjustments.

Gravity tugged on the pod, causing it to rock about. Drag was beginning to affect the pod as well, slowing it down somewhat. Dean looked over at Thor and watched the thunder god smile with excitement. The first few times Dean had experienced this he'd been sick, but he'd quickly adjusted to the sensation.

"How is your delicate mortal stomach, Fair One?" Thor asked, his voice loud over the rattling pod.

Dean rolled his eyes and looked straight ahead. Through the windshield he spied the planet from beneath its cloudy, blue-white atmosphere. As the clouds of ice crystals gradually receded, sloping hills of tundra spilled out before them. Snowy mountain peaks loomed in the distance. The sky was a stark, brilliant grey and flakes of snow spun throughout the air, thick enough to obscure the view ever so slightly.

"This looks like Hoth from Star Wars," Dean remarked.

"I was going to say Jotunheim," Thor said.

"What's Star Wars?" Drax asked.

"Where's Peter Parker when I need him?" Dean chuckled.

"Temperatures are sub-zero but not fatal unless there's prolonged exposure," Nebula reminded everyone.

"Set us down over there," Peter said as he leaned forward and pointed to a smooth surface nestled between two steep ridges of mountain.

"Who the heck is flying this thing?" Rocket asked. "Oh, yeah, it's me!"

Rocket engaged the landing procedures and the pod gradually began a slow descent before landing on a patch of smooth, untouched snow. The team- consisting of Peter, Thor, Dean, Rocket, Groot, Drax and Nebula- walked toward the ramp. Those who were more likely to be affected by such cold temperatures had already suited up in protective gear.

"There's a storm moving into your location," Mantis reported from The Benatar. "It's a pretty big one."

"How long do we have?" Peter asked as he activated his helmet.

"Twenty minutes," Mantis answered.

"Plenty of time," Peter decided.

The team walked off of the pod's ramp and stood together as bitter winds struck them from all sides.

"I am Groot?"

"I'm afraid not, Tree," Thor replied. "If I tried to to alter the weather patterns they may only worsen."

"As long as we're quick we shouldn't have to worry about it," Nebula said. She lifted a tracking device and pointed with her free hand. "The signal is coming from that direction."

Dean raised his hands and conjured a barrier of photons around the group, providing some relief from the constant assault of wind, snow and ice crystals. The group moved across the valley, careful to avoid deeper snow. At one point Rocket had walked into a deeper snow drift, completely covering himself to his head. Thor reached down and lifted him up onto his shoulder.

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