A Nightmare

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Thor screamed as Thanos shoved the gauntlet against the side of his face. The Power Stone unleashed a horrific pulse of energy that made his entire body thrash in agony. He spat blood from his mouth and looked up at Thanos's cruel smile.

"Is that the best you can do?" Thor grunted. He didn't care if his words goaded Thanos; Dean was safe and that was all that mattered now.

"Oh, I can do far better than that, Asgardian," the titan laughed. He hefted Thor up and threw him into the clutches of Ebony Maw's telekinesis. The invisible force snared Thor, pulling him midair and holding him in place.

"Do your worst," Thor dared as Ebony Maw pulled strips of metal away from the hull and forced them to curl around his arms and legs, restraining him.

Thanos grinned maniacally and then turned to his children. Thor's eyes followed and watched in horror as Corvus Glaive and Cull Obsidian stepped aside to reveal Fatality Eclipse. And kneeling before the hooded enemy, wrapped in the pain-inducing whip, was Dean. Bloodied and bruised, Dean looked utterly defeated.

"It would appear that your Inhuman prince is far from safe, Asgardian," Thanos declared with a dark chuckle.

Thor shook his head in disbelief. This wasn't happening. It couldn't  happen.

But then there came a sound that tore his spirit further apart.

A baby crying.

"No!" Dean cried as he attempted to stand. The whip in Fatality Eclipse's hand pulsed and a shock wave of pain shattered Dean, reducing him to a screaming heap on the floor.

Thor pushed against his bonds but had no strength within him to escape. Frustration at himself and rage against his enemies exploded within him yet he still felt as if he were moving in quicksand.

"Father, I present to you- the child of Thor and Lumen," Proxima Midnight said as she approached. She held a swaddled baby in her arms, knelt before Thanos and raised it up in offering. The baby thrashed wildly in her hands, it's screams reaching a fever pitch.

Thor roared as lightning flashed around his body, but Thanos quickly turned and fired another blast at him, stopping his power. Thor's body was racked with ache as the power spilled over him. Then Thanos took the baby in one of his hands and stared coldly into its face with. "Such a powerful voice," he complimented before looking from Dean to Thor. "You know, I take a child from every world I conquer. An Asgardian-Inhuman hybrid will make for a formidable warrior." He then looked down at the baby again. Softening his voice ever so slightly, he said "how would you like to become a child of Thanos, little one?"

The baby wailed in response.

"Don't you dare!" Thor threatened.

"No," Dean sobbed as he rose up on shaky arms and legs. "Please...not our baby."

Fatality Eclipse started to use the whip again but Thanos stopped him with a harsh glance. He then settled his eyes upon Dean again. "Crawl to me, Inhuman prince. And beg."

Thor snarled like a wild animal, his mind utterly broken by rage, pain and fear. He watched as Dean crawled across the corpse-littered floor until he was at Thanos's boots.

"Please, Thanos. Please give me my baby," Dean implored. He slowly looked around him at the corpses of Heimdall, Hulk, Valkyrie, Loki and Lockjaw before looking up at Thanos. "We've lost so much already. Please don't take our baby too. We won't fight you. We won't. I promise. Just please let us have our baby."

Thanos leaned down and laid his free hand on Dean's head as the Inhuman's words depreciated to choking, gasping sobs. "The baby belongs to me now," Thanos spoke with finality.

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