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Everything that happened (characters, plots, dialogs) in the show Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments is owned by Freeform. I will also include some of the parts of the 2013 movie The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones which is rightly accredited to Constantin Film. Any and all known characters and storyline goes to the woman who gave us this whole new amazing world, Cassandra Clare.

Some materials such as quote, song lyrics, images, gifs used in this book series are only borrowed and not mine. Credit goes to the right owners.

I'm only entitled to what I created. With this goes the character, story, plot of Maddie Starkweather (included but not where it coincides with the above credits) and other major or minor character I added. Book covers and images I put inside along with the story are also rightfully owned by me.

This is a work of a fanfiction and do not intend to raise any hate or insult to the LGBTQ+ community. With that, I'm asking everyone to not send me any attack for writing Alec Lightwood's character differently as opposed to Cassandra Clare's. Any bad comments regarding this will not be tolerated.

I too am a big fan of Malec. I love them to the bottom of heart, I mean, who doesn't?

Nevertheless, I still do not claim Alec as my own. I'm only changing his character's preference as an essential part of the book. As well as some of the known characters storylines.

This book is intended for entertainment only. With that being said...

...have fun.

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