12 I Bid You Adieu

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We're waiting in line for the club called Hardtail. I tuned out Jace and Clary's conversation in front of me as I looked around, checking our surrounding. Couple minutes later, Alec and Izzy walked towards us after they finished checking the perimeter.

Alec took a place beside me "All clear."

Izzy linked her arms to me and pull me forward to Clary. Jace steps back to Alec. Izzy then also linked her arms to Clary.

"Do you think red's my color?" Izzy asked.

"You own every color, Iz." I said, grinning at her.

"With a body like yours, there's no denying it." Clary flatters.

"Good point." Izzy smiled "Damn! I make this necklace look so good."

"Will you take it off?" Alec demanded to his sister, annoyed "I'm certain Magnus Bane doesn't want drool on his ruby when we make the exchange."

"You know, I wouldn't be so sure. Most men like it when I admire their jewels." Izzy said dirtily. Jace and I silently chuckled on her comment while Clary snorts a laugh.

Alec rolls his eyes "Can you just give it to Jace?"

"You're such a buzzkill." Izzy whined at her brother before she heeded.

We finally entered the club. It's pretty loud in here, almost crowded. Too many drunk people, bodies grinding together. And I thought parties at Pandemonium were wild enough. This definitely take wild to a whole new level. People here are hammered.

"Blend in. Keep your weapons ready." Alec gave orders as we walk inside "I'm going to cover upstairs."

"I got the base." I affirm.

"No. Izzy, you cover the base." Alec opposed "You." he pointing to me "You're coming with me."

"What about the halls? There are three." I pointed out the three connecting hallways behind the dance floor through the bar. They all turn their heads to the direction I pointed "We can't guard it from up there. The ground needs to be covered by two people." I look around calculating the place "This place is too big."

Hesitation spread across Alec's face as he trying to come up with solution.

I hold his arm out pushing him slightly to the side so that I can whisper "Babe, we can't have emotions here. I can handle myself."

"It's not you I'm worried about."

"I know." I lightly smiled "But we don't have a choice, we're one person down."

This would've been fine if Lei was here.

"Fine." Alec uttered, defeated "Izzy you cover the ground, you cover the halls."

"Guys." Izzy said, cutting Alec off as she points to the direction where Magnus is.

"Let's go." said Alec.

I decided to take my post to the hall across the dance floor. When I got to it, I saw seven couple making out.

Wow! This really some party, I thought to myself. Still, me being thorough, I glance at their necks to see if they had Circle runes. You can never be too careful. A good way to hide is to blend in.

Next, I proceed to the center hall. It's less crowded here, maybe because it's outside a comfort room. If people are doing their business, they're doing it inside. I lean against a wall frame as I surveilled Jace and Clary while they're talking to Magnus. I watched over to see if there are any Circle minions lurking around.

"Hey, are you alone?" some guy tries to flirt, coming up from behind me.

I turn around to glace at his direction. I check his neck: no Circle rune, no seelie marks, his skin isn't pale, since the warlocks have gone into hiding, he must be a werewolf. I doubt he's a mundane, this is a downworlders rave after all. I deduced to myself.

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