18 Work in Silent

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On our way over to the police station, Alec marches faster than us. I try to match his speed, but he has such long legs, I'm going to tire myself even before we got there. I'm starting to think he's doing it on purpose.

Is he avoiding me? I thought as I think back the last 48 hours of my life. Have I done something to upset him? Man! I have got to watch my stupid self more before doing something. I can't figure out what I did wrong!

This is me silently freaking out by the way.

Alec stopped by the entrance outside the police station, waiting for us. Lei, Izzy, and I reached his position at the same time as Jace and Clary came out of the precinct.

"Someone call for backup?" Izzy asked as she saw Jace.

"Yeah. What took you guys so long?" Jace questioned.

"Funny." Alec snaps, slightly annoyed "I was going to ask you the same thing."

"It's complicated." Jace snaps back.

"We found the Cup." Clary informs.

"Cup? The Cup?" I asked to clarify.

Finally! Some good news.

"Yeah, but then we lost it." said Clary "We have to sneak back in the precinct to get it."

Spoke too soon.

"This is a disaster." Alec exclaimed as he crossed his arms.

"No, demon pox is a disaster." Jace countered "This is just an inconvenience. We'll just need a plan, that's all."

"What about glamour?" Izzy alluded with her hands on her waist.

"We tried that. Anyone working with Valentine will see through it." Jace informs.

"If that's true. We can't stay here long. We're standing here...in plain sight." I said as I look around to see if someone is watching us from afar "Anyone with Sight can get suspicious."

"Can we ask Magnus Bane to portal us inside?" Clary suggested.

"No!" Lei yelp. We all stare at him by his sudden demeanor "No. Because he can only portal us to places he's been before." he explained in a calm mannered. I just scoffed in delight. I've never seen Lei acted this way before.

Clary's phone suddenly rang "Not again." she picked it up and step away after reading the id caller "Just give me a second."

We heard their conversation through our hearing rune. Clary's talking to Simon about his mundane problems. I rolled my eyes as she engaged in conversation. Does she not understand we're on a timeclock here? Jace, who's annoyed as we are, walks to her and took her phone away.

"Simon's little problem can wait." Jace said to her as he ended the call and return her phone "I've got a plan."

"Oh, there's a first." Clary mocked that made Jace laugh sarcastically.

"Just follow my lead." Jace then walked back to us with Clary following him "Oh, and don't worry, in my plan... no one gets slapped."


"We'll divide into two teams: one is to retrieve the Cup, the other is to cause the distraction." Jace deviate then he looks at his phone "It's already sunset. We just need to shut down the power supply, and we can sneak back in the dark freely."

"Great. Jace, Maddie, and you..." Alec prompted, pointing to Clary "...retrieve the Cup, we'll take care of the other."

"Actually. I'll go with them instead." Izzy countered, gazing at Jace and Clary before looking back to Alec "I've decided to grow up, remember? No more distracting for me."

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