31 It Went Quietly

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After Lei and Izzy changed outfits they ran out to follow Alec to the Docks, fearing they might be in distress. Simon went back to the DuMort as the rest of us went with Magnus.

A blue smoke swirl across the table when Magnus magically transports the stuff he collected from Ragnor's house to the conference room. Hopefully, one of which could help us wake my mom.

"I pulled every item of magical importance from Ragnor's belongings. But I can't determine which will lead to the Book of the White." Magnus stated as we examine through it.

My eyes landed on a bookmark that seems to be familiar... I remember!

"Wait! This bookmark, I've seen it before." I took the item "In the alternate dimension you showed me a book of spells, and this was in it. It must have been the Book of the White."

"If that's the case, we can use the bookmark to track the owner of the book. Give me." Jace expressed. He was about to take it but Magnus swiped it out of my hands first.

"Warlock tracking is stronger." Magnus then hold the bookmark up, breathes deeply, close his eyes, and starts tracking. A few seconds passed then he opened his eyes "Well, there's good news and bad news... the good news is, I know that owner. The bad... it's Camille."

"Camille?" I questioned.

It had to be her?

"Looks like Raphael has her locked up in the basement of the Hotel DuMort." Magnus informed.

"Well, after I punched her for what she did to Simon, there's no way she'll help me." I sighed.

"She won't have a choice. Trust me." Jace reassured.

Izzy marched into the conference room, looking stressed "Maddie's gone."

"Gone? What do you mean gone?" Jace fretted.

"She wasn't on the Docks but there was definite signs of struggle. I think she was ambushed. All we found was this..." Izzy took a necklace from her pocket "...the chain was broken. It could've fallen during the fight."

"Along with spots of blood

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"Along with spots of blood. We don't know if it belongs to her." Izzy said, trying to control her tears.

"Oh my God..." I whispered. Everyone's demeanor spreads in panic motion.

"Where's Alec?" Jace asked.

"He and Lei went to Lydia. They gonna ask for troopers to look for her." Izzy eyes are brimming with tears "I can't feel her anymore, Jace. I'm worried. What do I do? I don't know what to do. I can't think straight. I-I-" Izzy starts to panic which prompt Jace to hold her tightly in her arms.

"Hey, hey, she's gonna be fine, Okay? She's Maddie. She's too stubborn to die." Jace said to comfort Izzy but more like he was also telling it to himself.

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