02 Uncanny Situation

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We arrived at the Institute, put our weapons down in the Weaponry before I went straight to the communal kitchen or what we call... the Break room. I went to the fridge and get a drink. Since occasional alcohol drinking aren't allowed in the Institute, I just took a soda and drink it straight.

"Hey beautiful." I turn around noticed Alec is standing by the door.

"Hey." I greeted back, smiling. I tossed the empty soda can to the trash and walked to him to hug him "What a day." I sighed. Alec then handed me a paper bag "I thought we agreed, no gifts."

"No... that was just a suggestion." he said. I laugh ceding, I open it and giggled... it's a small plush frog wearing a dress and a red lipstick.

 it's a small plush frog wearing a dress and a red lipstick

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"Our first date." I noted and smile "Thank you. This is... this is perfect." then I bought my hands to his cheeks and kiss him.

You see on our first date; we have no idea where to go and what to do. Lei suggested we should just order take out, go to a restaurant, watch a movie or something. Jace said go to a club or a bar cause that's what he does. Izzy got too excited about the fact that her brother and parabatai are going on a date that she gave us too many suggestions.

So, Alec and I decided we'll just do the first date spontaneously.


"This is it!"
"Let's do this!"
"Everything will be fine!"
Some of the things I said to myself as I stare at myself in the mirror.

Alec asked me out on a date. I'm both nervous and excited. I mean its Alec; we've been friends for so long but still... argh! First dates are sappy.

I heard a knocked on my door that snap me from my thoughts "It's open."

The door opens. Alec admires my look "You look beautiful."

I blushed at his comment. I'm wearing a navy-blue dress and black strappy heels. I will be matching it with a brown leather jacket.

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." I said trying to be cool.

He is so dreamy. He's wearing a dark-green sweater and jeans and boots.


Since we don't have a plan at all, we just stroll around the streets of New York talking about stuffs we normally talk about. Until I saw blinking lights which gave me an idea.

I have been dying to try this on my day off, just never got the chance to do it.

"Let's go here." I grabbed his arm and dragged him inside.

"Maddie, what is this place?" he asked me, looking around.

"I believe it's what mundanes called an arcade." I said to him. He just stared at me "When I was on one of my patrols. I stumble through one of these places. It's supposed to be fun, hold on!"

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