32 It's Always Been You

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Pain... a lot of pain. Have you ever been hurt where you can't even feel it anymore? That's all I felt for the past-- I don't even know how long. It feels like weeks since I've been locked up here.

It literally feels like my blood is coming out from every pore of my body and I think all my bones are broken for the fact that I lose all sensation from them. Are they still even there? I'm lying on a dirty ground with my hands and feet tied up, drowning in pool of my own blood.

I heard Valentine is attacking my family, and I can't do anything about it except pray.

"Get ready. I'm gonna make Jonathan come with me." Valentine said to one of his goons with an evil smile on his face.

"What's the plan boss?"

"His friends are the most important thing to him."  Valentine said while running his fingers on a blade "Threatening their lives will do exactly just that."

"You pa...thetic bas...tard." I manage to let out without chocking on my blood. Valentine walks to me and crouch down, gripping my already hurt jaw.

"I don't think you have enough energy to talk, sweetheart." he stood up and face one of his minions before he created a portal.

It stayed open for a while until two of the goons pick me up from the ground. I groan in pain by the sudden action. We entered the portal, travelled to what seems like a library in a prestige hotel where the goons drags me then callously let go of my arms. I lay face flat on the floor.

"Maddie!" Izzy yelled.
"Madds..." Lei murmured.
"Oh my God." Clary gasp.
"Oh, Mooncup." Magnus utter.
All in unison.

"Let go...!" Alec squirm, attempting to ran to me but a goon is holding a blade to his neck, preventing him to do so.

"There. Now you see she's breathing. Let's go." Valentine ordered looking at Jace.

"She's barely alive, you son of a bitch." Jace hisses.

"See? You are strong, but they make you weak." Valentine taunted.

"Let us go. You can have the book." Clary interrupt "We won't be able to stop you without it."

"Ah, Clarissa. So like your mother. Willing to do anything for those that you love. I'm touched, but... the book was never part of my plan." Valentine said, facing Clary "I want you to wake up your mother. I know that you'll both join me eventually. It's fated." then he turn to Jace "You ready?"

"If I go with you... promise me you won't hurt them and you'll let Maddie go." Jace look at us one-by-one.

"You have my word." Valentine said then Jace put his blade down.

"This is insane." Clary stresses.

"I'm sorry, Clary."

"Jace... what are you doing? You can't be serious! Valentine is wrong. You're not like him. I'm not-- you're not!" Clary protested, her voice starting to break.

"Jace... don't... he will... hurt you." I spluttered, trying to pull my weight but I flopped back down coughing out blood.

"Maddie..." I heard Izzy emit a cry.

"I'm sorry." Jace frowned.

"Let them go." Valentine commanded and instantly the goons loosened their grip.

Alec rush over to me holding me "You're gonna be okay, alright? Just hold on... I got you."

Just hearing his voice soothes me.

"Hold on, Mooncup." Magnus whipped a blue smoke out of his hands, healing me.

"Get back. Get back!" Jace yelled, raising a blade to Izzy and Lei "Lei, I mean it."

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