24 Into the Unknown (Part Two)

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I gasped and suddenly I was standing in the loft's dining room. It looks just like it was back home — you know, before the loft was burned down.

I immediately felt what Meliorn was talking about. It's like I've lived here my whole life. All the burdens of me lifted. I felt lighter and freer. Everything here is bright and shiny. I can actually feel being slowly consume by this dimension.

But before I completely slip up from this world, I turn around to see... Valentine. He's putting out food on the table. My instinct kicked in and I immediately picked the nearest weapon I could find... a breadknife. I raised it and pointed it at him.

"Where's my mother?!" I demanded. Valentine was taken aback about what I did.

He's laughing? Why is he laughing?

"Whoa. Is this from one of your cosplay skits?" he asked "Uh, honey? Come in here. You got to see this." he turn his head briefly behind "Seriously, you have to let me come with you, just once, okay? I want to see what you do at these things, all right?"

This is not the Valentine I was looking for. It's the Valentine from this world. In here he's not a psycho...

...must be nice.

"Val, you're not allowed to do cosplay." Mom said before she enters the area. I was dumbfounded "You'd stick out like a sore thumb."

"Mom!" I immediately move and hug my mom like there's no tomorrow. It's been nine days since I last saw her.

"Woa-wow!" she gasped as my hug get tighter "If you miss us this much, you should really leave the dorm room more often."

This is not my mom. But still it was nice for a moment.

"Right. Sorry." I frown, trying to cover up.

I then look at the surroundings in the loft. There is a lot of painting with the signed name Jocelyn Morgenstern.

"Clary. In honor of your father's Mad Hatter party tonight." Mom called for me raising a coffee cup.

Valentine chuckled "Your Mom made waffles for you. Come on, Kiddo, you got to eat something, right?"

Even though I know he's not the Valentine. I still don't trust him. I gave him a small laugh and took a seat as we have breakfast.

"So, Clarissa... when do I get to meet this new man in your life, hmm?" Valentine asked, teasing me with his arms crossed.

What man? I have a boyfriend here? I know Jace and I kissed, but we haven't put a label on it.

"Val...!" Mom groans.

"What? I have to give my stamp of approval, right?" Valentine said to mom, defending. Mom gave me a consoling smile, and I smiled back at the both of them.

"Oh, Clary, look at this commercial, it's hilarious." Mom giggles pointing to the TV "It's so bad, it's good."

I turn to face the TV and...

I turn to face the TV and

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