08 Pardon Us, Resting Souls

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We told Clary where we're going as she is the only one who knows how to drive. I mean we can go here a lot faster with our speed rune, but Clary doesn't have one. And even if she does, she might speed herself halfway across the world or worst... she might stop in the middle of the ocean, so, Simon's van it is.

Jace sat by the front passenger seat while the three of us sat in the back. Once Clary parks the van, Alec opens the door and waited for Izzy and me to get out before he shuts it.

"Whose grave is it?" Alec asked as we walked to the cemetery.

"Mary Milligan." Izzy answered while texting someone "Born January 10ᵗʰ, 1802. Died, January 10ᵗʰ, 1878"

"All right. Alec, let's go." Jace called to Alec.

"Wait, what are we looking for?" Clary questioned.

"Cache of weapons." I responded "Stashed here with Mrs. Milligan."

"Why are there shadowhunter weapons in a churchyard?" Clary asked "Is this some kind of deal you have with the church?"

"All of the ancient religions recognized demons... or at least they used to be." Izzy explained.

"They forgot about the threat because we've been here to protect them." Alec scoffed "Typical mundane failure of imagination."

"Are you saying we did too good of a job? You just can't let up, can you?" Izzy annoyingly mocked Alec.

The Lightwoods started to stare down each other.

"You know what, Alec, why don't you go check out by the Angel?" Jace said to break his adopted siblings from fighting.

We and the boys split up but still near each other as we went to look for the grave. Mrs. Milligan was just a cement box full of cool toys, there never really a body inside it. The real Mrs. Milligan is buried far below the same grave.

"Why are there still weapons hidden here?" Clary questioned as she follows me and Izzy.

"Demons exist all across the world in their varying, different forms." I added, taking my witchlight out as we go deep in the yard "Shadowhunters cling to no particular religion, and in turn all religions assist us in our battle. Our weapons are hidden beneath every altar in every church — a Jewish synagogue, a Shinto temple or... every other basilica."

"So, you guys don't believe in anything?" Clary asked us.

"We believe in ourselves. We know our job is to kill demons, protect humanity and..." I smile as I pause "...have fun in it in the process."

But I do admit sometimes, in desperate and hardest of times I do call upon deity to guide me. I don't know if anyone was listening but sometimes, talking to a magic man in the sky gives me comfort.

"What about the Angel Raziel?"

"That just makes for a nice story." Izzy answered while her eyes glued on her phone.

Out of all holidays and traditions exist in the world, we nephilims only celebrate one holiday — Winter Festival of Angel that we observed in our homeland, particularly, in Lake Lyn during the last week of every year. It said that it is the day when Angel Raziel appeared to Jonathan Shadowhunter and gift him the Mortal Instruments.

"But Hodge said-" Clary starts.

"Look," Izzy interrupted her "we've been hunting demons for over a third of our lives, and in all that time, we've never seen an angel." then her phone beeped "Excellent. He's home." Izzy said aloud as she was reading on her phone "I'm out of here."

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