28 Lost in the Moment

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Jace, Lei, Izzy, and I are talking in the Courtyard. Jace was so sorry for what he put Izzy through — the Cup, the trial. Izzy's over it though, she's just glad they got here on time.

Jace and Clary where able to locate Valentine, thanks to Meliorn's help but it didn't go exactly as they hoped. It was Michael Wayland ― Jace father who we all thought was dead — that they found at the warehouse, but it was more complicated than that. Jace told us some pretty massive mind-blowing news. I can't even comprehend it in one sitting.

"Your what?" Izzy questioned, her hands are gripping her hips.

"My father." Jace sighed, his sitting on a bench with his elbows resting on his knees and his hands clasped.

"How did that happened? Your father is Michael Wayland." Lei stumped.

"Valentine took Michael's persona when he killed him. Cast a powerful glamour. He raised me thinking I'm a Wayland." Jace explained.

"But you we're drawn to Clary." Izzy pointed out.

"Blood calls to blood." Jace whispered.

"That is bloody twisted." Lei signed, his sitting beside Jace.

"Added that and falcon story, it actually made sense." I said, standing in front of them with my arms across my chest.

When Jace was nine, his father gave him a falcon. He told him to make it obedient. To make the bird blind, but with Jace caring nature, he pet the bird instead. Tamed it to perfection, he made it loved him. He touched and stroked its wings until it trusted him. Jace showed it to his father, expecting him to be proud of what he'd accomplished but instead he took the falcon and broke its neck. His father said he had a lesson to teach, and he didn't learn it.

At the time, it made sense. We grew up very different than that of an average human-- mundane. I started training how to use weapons when I was five. Had my first nosebleed when I was seven. Had my first knock out when I was eight. Most lesson we had to learn the hard way to make us stronger.

"'To love is to destroy and to be loved is to be the one destroyed'." Jace quoted, staring in the air. It's what Valentine taught him as a kid.

"You can't believe that." I uttered, softly.

Jace looked his gaze to me "No? I was falling in love Maddie... for the first time I was, and this is how it supposed to go?"

For years we've known Jace, he never once let his heart out to someone in romantic way. He's always shielded and now that he did, he fell in love with Clary ― his own sister?

What sick twisted game is that?

"Shadowhunters have relationship. You can't tell me we don't know love." I upheld.

We're warriors, born to serve. Meant to render greater services, but that doesn't mean that's all we have to do.

"Look at where it got you." Jace huffed out. His face is stern then he sighed "Guess we should have listen."

"Jace you're talking about Valentine. His words meant poison." Izzy hissed.

Tense silence filled the room as no one wants to talk an argue anymore.

"What happened at Renwick's?" Lei asked, cutting the silence off.

"Renwick's? The deserted demon pox hospital on East River? That's owned by Blackwell, right?" Izzy asked us confirming.

"Yeah. He's dead, Luke killed him. Nothing much more we can get from there. Valentine just staged that to lure the Cup." Jace explained.

"So, what do we do now? How do we find Valentine?" Izzy queried.

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