17 The Heart of the Matter

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Nana had sent a fire message early in the morning requesting to have breakfast with her. It was more of a demand than a request.

After I freshened up, I head to Alec's room. I wanted to see him before I leave. I knock on his door few couple of times, but he wasn't answering so I opened it only to see it empty. I tried calling his cell, but it went straight to voicemail.

I asked around the Institute, and Lindsay from the office department told me she saw Alec and Lei snuck out last night. She hasn't seen them since.

Where could they be...? Maybe they went out to Magnus...? Helped Jace after all...?

I went by Izzy's room hoping she knows. As I approached Izzy's room, I notice her door was open...and there I've seen a side of Izzy I never thought I'd see.

I let out a knock on her doorframe to get her attention "Iz, are you feeling okay?"

She turned to face me "Yeah. Why?" she asked wiping her dress neatly "Is there a stain on my dress?"

Izzy's dressed like her mom: Repressed and formal. She's wearing a ponytail and a lighter make-up. She does not look anything like the Izzy I know. She looks like a younger version of Maryse.

"No. It's just uhm... you look..." I look at her from top to bottom "...different."

"Good different?" Izzy asked, and I sense a feeling of vulnerability.

"Iz, is there something you want to talk about?" I asked her back, deflecting her question.

She took a deep breath "I broke up with Meliorn."

"I'm so sorry to hear that." I approached, giving her a comforting hug.

"He was a bit much. Apparently, I need someone more nephilim-ish." she said as she composed herself "Do you need something?"

"Yeah, uhm... have you seen Alec?" I fished out my phone from my pocket "He wasn't in his room, and he wasn't answering any of my calls and text. Unless he's passed out in a ditch somewhere, this is very unusual." I said while checking my phone to see if he respond "Did you know he snuck out with Lei last night?"

"So, you guys haven't talked?" she asks, ignoring my question.

"Not since at the HI Office."

"When I see him, I'll tell him you're looking for him." Izzy said with a small smile.

"No need. It was nothing important anyway." I said while putting my phone to my pocket. Still have no response from Alec "I just wanted to see him first before going to Alicante."

"Again? Why?"

"Nana wants to have breakfast together."

"Isn't it like two in the afternoon there?"

"Yeah, well... it's her excuse to discuss something." as soon as I told her, my hand caught a fire message. Izzy and I read it together.

 Izzy and I read it together

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