04 Come What May

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I'm fine. I just suffered blood lost, no biggie. I woke up few hours after I passed out in Alec's arms. The call Izzy made last night was because she felt that pain, when I got stabbed, but honestly, I didn't. That's why I didn't iratze myself. I guess the adrenaline was too much that it didn't bother me.

The problem now is Clary. It's been a day since we brought the red-haired girl into the Institute. We did extensive research on her, but there's nothing conclusive about her pretty uneventful mundane life. Only that she's Jocelyn Fairchild's daughter, father unknown. Jocelyn is a shadowhunter, a Circle member who also went into hiding eighteen years ago. Clave had no idea she was with child when she hid, hence they had no idea Clary exist.

This little information is infuriating, and Alec was so not happy about this. Him and Jace were bickering for the past thirty hours. At the corridor, at Ops, at training room, the four of us can't even have normal meal together without them turning it into an argument. Jace never act like this to anyone before, which is really picking Izzy's interest and actually... so does mine.

I got some of my clothes to lend to the girl. Izzy volunteered to be the one to do it but giving her preference in fashion, I insisted. Izzy's very comfortable with her body. She tends to dressed provocatively.

When I entered the Infirmary, I saw Izzy sitting on Clary's bed, staring at her. What she's doing is kind of creeping me out. I mean who would want a stranger staring at you while you're sleeping? I put the clothes on the side table and sat on the bed across them.

"Iz, can you stop doing that?" I begged her as she keeps staring at our guest.

She was about to say something when the red-haired jolts awake, smashing their foreheads together.

"Ow." Izzy blandly groan.

"Welcome back to the land of the living." I smiled at her.

"Wha-- wai-- I-I-" she stuttered in confusion.

"I'm Isabelle." Izzy said, introducing herself "I've never seen Jace so curious about a mundane."

"...or distracted." I added and the girl looks at me, confusedly "Like you saw at the club and yesterday... distractions are dangerous in our line of work."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." the girl is still in distraught.

"You really don't know much, do you?" Izzy questioned.

"All I know is some psychos took my mother, I was attacked by a demon dog, and now I'm here." Clary looks back and forth between Izzy and me, totally baffled and confounded.

Seconds later, Jace and Alec entered the Infirmary.

I'm surprise, they're together.

"A mundane shouldn't even be here." Alec said, annoyed.

"Where is here exactly?" the girl asked.

"She's not a mundane Alec." Jace backed.

"How do you know that?" Alec asked.

"Because the blade lit up when she touched it and come on... she's already runed." Jace answered, starting to get annoyed at Alec "Isabelle..." Jace gestured Izzy to move away "...can you?"

Izzy got up and sits next to me on the bed. Jace sat down to where Izzy was.

"Am I the only one who finds this unusual?" Alec asked us.

"You find everything unusual, Alec." Jace replied.

"I have to report this to the Clave." Alec declared.

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