23 Into the Unknown (Part One)

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"What the bloody hell did you do?!" Lei quietly yelled at me as he pulls me away from Izzy when we entered the Institute.

"Alec told you." I deduced tiredly while I rubbed the bridge of my nose.

"Have you gone mad? A-are you even thinking? Did you even-"

"Yes, I was! The Clave was willingly ready to sacrifice him based on hearsay." I snapped at Lei "I'm all for stopping Valentine, but if it causes someone's life and I know there is something I can do to stop it and I didn't... that is something my conscience can't handle."

"Do you even know he's not at fault?" Lei questioned.

"I don't." I firmed "But sending him to the Silent City won't prove his guilt... it would just kill him."

Lei sighs and calmly asks "Did anyone else seen you are there?"

"No. Just Alec."

"Good. Lydia have opened an investigation about the ambush." he said, we glance over to where Izzy and Alec. They too, are having a heated argument "We covered for you guys."

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

"You know, I'm always going to have your back..." he reminded, and I gave him a disbelieving glare raising an eyebrow.

Really dude?

"...not without talking some sense into you first." he added.

"That's more like it." I let out a small smile before heading to my room.


I was woken when Lei busted in my door and rushed to me saying that Izzy was arrested for high treason. I quickly race to Izzy's holding cell where I found Raj guarding the door. When I attempt to open the annex door, he stops my hands.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, no one's allowed to come in."

"I wasn't really asking. Move your feet." I firmed, but he kept blocking the door, standing sturdy as I try to push pass him. I took a step back and we eyed each other "Okay, you have about ten seconds to move, or you and I are going to have a problem." 

"I don't take orders from you, Starkweather. Being put in probation didn't exactly up your game here." Raj said with a smug, that's when I started counting in my head.

Ten... I'm going to rip that smug smile off your face.

Nine... I rarely use my family's influence when it comes to battling. I can fight my own battle, especially to someone like him.

Eight... I can knock this guy down in three seconds, tops.

Seven... he's really going to push this through.


"Let her in." I heard a voice talk behind me which got our attention and I saw it was Alec.

"Keep it short." Raj said before he enters the code and open the door, I pushed pass him, bumping his arm. Alec followed inside, closing the door.

"Iz." I greeted, giving her a quick hug her "I just heard-- what happened?"

"Lydia happened." she said while rolling her eyes.

That woman... High Treason is a serious offense. She could get derune.

"Jace stole the cup." Alec state behind me. I turn around, so I'm facing him too.

Alec's arms are crossed while his expression is fuming with rage. Izzy and I looked at each as we already know. After all, we helped stole it.

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