16 Risky Business

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There's so much tension in our group that when we got back to the Institute, we decided to split and breathe air away from each other. Well, in my case, I reported back to Maryse about the events in Idris. Needless to say, like the Convent, she also reprimanded me. I hope there was a rune to temporarily shut your hearing out.

I'm now laying on my bed, scrolling through my phone, reading nonsense on the internet. That until, I received a text.

 That until, I received a text

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In translation "Urgent. Head of the Institute's Office."


"You know how stubborn he is." I heard Alec bicker as I approached the Head Office.

"You both acting stubborn!" Izzy yelped.

"I'm here, what is it?" I said when I reached the doorframe.

"We have a renewed order. We have to get Fairchild back here at the Institute." Lei answered in a mocking tone.

"Yeah, we do..." I sighed before I stand properly "You know what, guys, I have to tell you something."

"What is it?" Izzy asked, nervously.

I gather enough courage before saying something. I was planning on doing this tomorrow, but now seems like a right time.

"My assignment in Idris was a bust. They didn't take the last five days lightly as we've hoped. And they said some pretty...awful things about us individually and as a team." I stated, sadly, and they all stared at me in stun.

If they were shocked about that, they're not believe what I'm about to say next.

"They put the four of us in probation. Those who were involved. We've been warned and they're going to be watching us closely." I finished and now stun turned into disbelief.

Being put in probation has a very big chance on getting transferred. If that were to happen, at least I'll still be with Izzy. They can't separate us, we're Parabatai — so does Alec and Jace — but still, we don't want that to happen. We're family here.

I cannot believe this in happening.

Five days ago, we were known as the best in the shadowhunters in the community. We were sent out to do the toughest missions, deal with the most important assignments-- everyone looks up us. And now...?

After a moment of silence I spoke, "Let's call Jace up."

"He's ignoring our calls." my Parabatai muttered as I took out my phone out.

"When was the last time you called him?" I asked.

"About twenty minutes ago." she answered, nonchalantly.

I dialed Jace's putting my phone to loudspeaker. After few rings, he answered "Jace, you're on speaker. Where-"

"You need to get back to the Institute." Alec demanded, cutting me off.

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