11 Glimpse of the Past

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After I curl my hair and put on my make-up, I got my dress from my wardrobe then I went to Izzy's room. She wants me to help her pick an outfit. I was currently in texting conversation with Lei updating him about recent events he missed and him telling me about Cairo.

I lay my stomach flat to my parabatai's bed as I watched her tries out various of dresses. This party is big to her, she wants to look perfect. I decided to wear a Deep V Cut Long Sleeve Gold Sequin Backless Dress.

I let out a laugh as I'm reading text.

"What's so funny?" Izzy asked, intrigued.

"Alec has been complaining to Lei about us that he has no ally with him being gone."

Both of us shared a laugh "Well, thankfully he'll be back in two days."

"Jace said you wanted to see me?" Clary asked as came from the corner to Izzy already open bedroom door.

"That's right. What are you wearing to the downworlder party tonight?" Izzy asked her. Clary enters the room.

"I don't know. I was just thinking about wearing this." Clary said, pointing to her current outfit — a dark blue shirt and black jeans which she borrowed from me.

"I don't think so." Izzy object "We're going to a party, not a poetry slam."

"If you go out looking like your mundane self, you won't get within a hundred feet of Magnus Bane." I added "He's the High Warlock of Brooklyn."

"Well, I don't really have any party clothes on me, so-" Clary starts.

"You have to wear mine, hmm?" Izzy cut Clary off, holding out a dress for her to try.

"You realize one of these days you're going to have to tell me where and when." Clary said to Izzy.

"Where and when what?" Izzy then wrapped a black feather scarf on her.

"Where you get your spending money and... when are you letting me go to a store? Cause... I can't keep borrowing Maddie's clothes." said Clary.

"You're free to borrow mine." Izzy noted.

Clary looks at me asking for help "I don't think you have same the fashion style, Iz."

Izzy then walks to her wardrobe then pull out a black tight-fitting lace dress "Clary..."

"Okay, that dress is way too tight." Clary said, looking at the dress a Izzy models it.

"It's stretchy." Izzy said, handing Clary the dress.

"Ugh. Fine." she took the dress and walks over to the dress partition divider.

"You're so lucky to have such a flat chest. I can never wear that without a bra." Izzy utters to Clary when she walks to the mirror to look at herself.

"Really?" she giggles.

"Really." Izzy answered.

Izzy and I are too, started getting dressed. This kind of sends a new feeling. Before it was just Izzy and me, surrounded by guys in our group. It's nice having additional gal. It kind of balances things.

"You have a scar?" Clary asked as I changed dress, staring into the scar in my left abdomen. Between my protected and endurance rune "I thought using healing rune weren't going to leave any scar."

"They weren't. But I got this scar when I was five." I gently informed as I suppress my emotion. Izzy looked at me, warily "I haven't had any runes back then so this one healed naturally."

"Can I ask what happened?"

Here, I told Clary the story how I lose my mother.

Sixteen years ago, five Circle members invaded our home in Alicante. They wanted to take me. I don't know why-- maybe as a payment for my father's betrayal.

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