01 Four Against One

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Today was mine and Alec's second year anniversary. Supposedly, we're off duty today, but we received a quest to go on a mission later this evening so instantly, all our plans are cancelled. We decided that it's best to reschedule our date.

I walked in the Institute looking for my father. Knowing our team, we're probably going to head out early to study the target — and by 'target', I mean demon — before we plan the attack.

"Pa!" I greeted when I spotted him as he watches the two Shadowhunters he's training.

"Hey honey, what's up?" he asked, never taking his eyes off to his trainees.

"Just wanting to let you know that we're going to head out early for the mission tonight." I informed "We're going to have to strategize."

He sighed, happily "I trained you kids so well." he smiled and looked at me "Okay. I'll get the word out to the Heads. Be careful, okay?"

Papa still worries even though he knows how good-- great, I am in this job.

We'll... he's my father, he thinks it's his job to worry.

"Always." I smile and kiss him on the cheek before walking away.

I head to my room, getting ready. I wore a leather jacket, maroon shirt, black pants, brown knee-high boots, and my necklaces. One is given by Alec on our anniversary last year. It's an arrow pendant with a leather strap. The other is the family rings from Herondale and Starkweather placed on a chain necklace.

I smile while looking myself in the mirror. I did my make-up that would complement my gray eyes and tie my caramel brown hair but then I decided to just let it down. Since my hair are natural loose curl, I just blow dry and combed my thin full bangs, spreading it evenly on my forehead.

I grabbed my phone and put it in my back pocket and then I stick my stele inside my boots. That's why most of the time I wear a knee-high boots, it's where I like to put my stele in.

I head down to the Ops Center where I found Jace, studying the location of our target.

"Any luck?" I asked, approaching him.

"Our demon friend seems to be heading towards Pandemonium. It's a club." he explains.

"I know that club. Lei and I used to go there when we gather intel about downworlders business." I shared.

"Where's Lei by the way? Is he not joining us?" Jace asked while reading something on the tome.

Tome is a portable electronic device where we tracked out assignment, daily tasks, new, etc. It's kind of like what mundanes call a tablet.

"Supposed to be, he got pulled on a mission in Cairo. He just left and he won't be back for three to five days. Didn't you get his text?"

"I haven't check my phone since this morning." he stated.

We were scrolling through monitors when Izzy and Alec walked into the ops center.

"Are we doing this or what?" that was Izzy, announcing their arrival.

"Nice choice, Izzy. Demons dig blondes." Jace told Izzy as he saw a wig in her hands.

"Told you." Izzy smirked at her brother.

"It's platinum." Alec corrected Jace and Izzy just snorted. Alec walked to me and placed a kiss on my temple which made me smile.

He is so sweet.

"You're not wearing blond?" Izzy asked me and then she looks at me from head to toe "You're not even dressed to party at all!"

I laugh "No, not this time. You're the only distraction tonight."

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