21 One Way or Another

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Remember what I said about this not feeling real? That it has not yet sinking into me? Well, now they do! Everything is now registered to me! You would agree, if you saw me earlier washing my face, desperately trying to hide the good cry I had the entire night.

He's marrying Lydia. Lydia his ex-girlfriend. She who he had a hard time moving-on. Guess this breakup wasn't that hard for him than it is for me. Considering he loved her before, he can love her again.

Izzy consoling me only helped a little, well... actually it didn't help at all. It only made me cry more. But I do appreciated the nice gesture.

Right now, we're watching the interrogation of Meliorn that is happening in the HI Office from the Ops Center on my desk. I hacked into the system so we can watch it from here. Alec of course was not happy about this. I don't care anymore.

Lydia arranged this interrogation with Meliorn first thing in the morning so whatever she's planning on getting from him, can't possibly come with a good intention.

Lydia arranged this interrogation with Meliorn first thing in the morning so whatever she's planning on getting from him, can't possibly come with a good intention

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What is Lydia up to now?

"This is insane. We have to stop this." Izzy exclaims, standing behind me.

"Yeah, well, enjoy portaling back to Idris with Mom and Dad." Alec cautioned, sitting beside me on the empty space on my desk.

"Meliorn is here because of me." my parabatai forlorn.

"Alec's right." Jace agreed, sitting on the desk chair on my other side "There's nothing we can do to stop this interrogation."

"You're on Alec's side now?" Izzy asked Jace, sarcastically.

"We swore to protect each other, of course he's on my side." Alec states. I roll my eyes.

"I'm not picking sides. Jace Wayland is Switzerland." Jace clarified "We have got to find Valentine. Let's let this play out, Izzy. Meliorn might have some important information."

I decode to access the office mic. I tune the volume up, loud enough for us to hear. I leaned my back from my seat as we watch and listen closely.

Lydia: Forensics don't lie. Tell me what you know about the blood in the Forsaken.

Meliorn: Have you considered that the blood in the Forsaken came from our dead scouts? Scouts sent to help you hunt for Valentine. Why do you think we would side with a murderer?

Lydia: Seelies always play both sides.

Meliorn: You should talk to your own people about playing sides.

Lydia: Excuse me?

Meliorn: You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? If only Shadowhunters had a better relationship with us... Downworlders, you'd know that Valentine's daughter has the Cup.

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