10 Push Right Through

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I groan when I heard a knock on my door. I yawn and stretch-out my arms and legs before checking the clock beside my bed and noticed that I've been asleep for twelve hours straight.

After that mission we had — Dot, the Silent Brothers, then the vampires, not to mention the work-out I had, and the reports I made that morning, it drained all my energy to a pulp. I didn't even know how exhausted I was until I laid on bed.

"Come in." my door then opens. Alec enters my room and walks towards the bed "Good morning...or afternoon, rather-- possibly evening-- what time is it again?" I asked him while rubbing my eyes.

"It's evening." he answered then place a soft kiss on my forehead "Jace needs us. He has a lead on the Mortal Cup."

"Let me take a quick shower then I'll come find you." I swirl out of bed then head to my bathroom. When I notice Alec is following me, I turn around to face him "What are you doing?"

"You said you're going to take a shower." he denoted. He's flirting with a serious face.

"I said I'm going to take a quick shower." I corrected him, emphasizing a word "You can't come in."

"Why not?" again with the serious face.


"We'll be quick..." he said as he pushes me inside, locking the door "...oh, we'll be quick, alright."


"Magnus Bane's involved?" my greet as I enter the study hall where Jace and Clary are.

I heard about a Magnus Bane before. He's the warlock who have helped Raphael during his...transition. He's kind of like a father-figure to him.

"I think so." Clary answered "Back at the hotel, that vampire Camille, practically accused him of stealing my memories."

"Where did you hear that?" I asked.

Jace and Clary answered in chorus.

"When Simon told Camille someone took my memories back at the Hotel DuMort, she blamed Magnus Bane." Clary furtherly explained "Besides, I keep having these dreams where this guy is with my mom, and she tells him to protect me."

"You mean like, you're seeing memory fragments?" Jace query, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Yeah, but..." Clary sighs in frustration "...they're not making sense."

"Whatever. Why didn't you tell me about that?" Jace exclaims.

"Because Jace, practically four days ago I didn't even know this world existed." Clary retorted back "Let alone that my dream is real."

"Magnus' magic is too powerful, he can invade even the Silent Brothers." I softly spoke, chiming in "If he's really the warlock that took your memories... he could be the key to everything."

"People are risking their lives to help me get my memories back, but there might not be anything there." Clary said as she sits on the arm rest of a bench "I might not remember anything that will lead to the Mortal Cup... or my mom."

"Clary..." Jace move and stood closer to her "...believe me when I tell you that finding your memories is our only shot at getting the Mortal Cup back."

"But-" Clary starts.

"Look at me..." Jace interrupted "I'm willing to take that chance with you."

Wow... there is so much chemistry swirling around here, I can practically hear birds singing.

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