26 The Art of Transaction

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"Jace...? Is that really you?"

Like Clary, this is the first time I'm meeting Jace's father face-to-face. Jace only have little to no picture of him and his father's Gard files are sealed.

"I can't believe it." Michael stood up and exited the closet to give his son a bear hug. Jace is more than glad to return that hug "Son, you're hurt. How did you find me?"

I remained alert for the rest of us as we're still not in the clear. When Michael was supposedly killed, he was an ex-circle much like my father and the Lightwoods.

Jace broke the hug "You're dead. Valentine killed you." he starts to panic "Valentine's... Valentine's here-"

"No, Jace." Michael cupped both Jace's cheeks to made him calm while  staring at his eyes "It's me."

I was told Michael was assassinated right in front of Jace. Got stabbed in the back and died. That's all the story about his death that I knew. Seeing that since he's here, I'm assuming no ceremony was held.

"I'm Michael Wayland. Jace's father." Michael introduces himself to us "Look, I know what Jace told you, but I've been here for ten years. Valentine took off and left me."

I saw my mother died too. And somehow I wish she was here too, but I know that was impossible. We saw her at the Rite of Passage.

"What about Jocelyn Morgenstern?" I asked.

"Meliorn, the seelie, told me that he was here with her." Clary added concerned and hopeful.

"He took her with him-- who are you?" answered Michael.

"I'm Clary, her daughter."

"You are?" Michael asks me.

"Starkweather." I answered, politely "Maddison."

"Oh, yeah. I do remember you." Michael smiled "You're Councilor Starkweather's youngest. I'm sorry about your mom."

Jace suddenly losses balance, almost collapsing again. His father's gripped on him tighten as he did.

"Okay, Jace, this is stupid we have to get you treatment." said Clary, worrying.

"No..." Jace panted, holding on to his father for balance "We have to find your father... not my father."

"You have to listen to me now." I gripped the collar of his jacket as I'm losing patience with him "If we don't get you treatment, you're going to die. And I very much prefer that to happen when we're old or if I get to kill you with my own hands."

"Where's your stele?" Michael chimed in, asking me.

"In my boot."

"Hold him." said Michael. I put Jace's arms around me. He was barely standing.

Michael snags my stele that was already sticking out my boot. I once again yank Jace's shirt, but now, as expected the rune didn't even lit up.

"We have to go. We need help." Clary worries.

"We can't go back to the Institute." Jace continues to breath heavily "We're not going to find Valentine if we do." the last part out, Jace slowly losses consciousness.

"Jace... hey. Stay with me. Hey." Michael lightly taps his cheeks, making him stay awake "Do you remember our first demon fight? We were in Congo in the Institute in Kinshasa. You were only eight, but you were so brave. Do you remember what you said?"

Jace exhaled "'I'm ready to die'."

Michael smiled at the memory "And then I said, 'sometimes it's as brave to live as it is to die', do you remember?"

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