30 Big Day

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Since I woke up this morning flashes of memories keep flooding through my mind — memories of time I share with Maddie.

"Jace ate all the pudding I store in the fridge." I vented at Maddie who's lying on the grass outside the Institute. She's relaxing, looking up at the night sky.

She giggled "Yeah, I know. I was there when he ate them."

"Why didn't you stop him??" I hissed.

"He said you threw his leather jacket in the washing machine... again."

"He keep putting his filthy clothes in my laundry, he deserved it." I defended and she chuckled.

"Come here, just lay down with me." she said tapping on the ground beside her.

She's the toughest yet serene person I ever met. She bring out the best in people. I don't think I've loved anyone as much as I love her.

I really wish things are different. Wedding's supposed to be a joyous occasion, a celebration... but not to me. I'm not marrying the woman I love. The woman I thought-- planned, I'm going to be spending the rest of my life with.

"An arrow pendant? Wow. When people saw me wearing this, they're gonna have a hard time figuring out who gave this to me." Maddie joked while giggling "I love it." she kissed me "Happy one year."

All our friends and family knows that Maddie's not gonna be attending the wedding. Seeing me with Lydia is painful enough and to watch me get married with somebody else is too much to ask.

I know that it would.

I could see it in her eyes... her pain. The pain she manages to hide with dark humor or sarcasm whenever Lydia and I were around.

"You called for me? What's the mission?" I asked Maddie as I approached her in the library.

"Is it a me thing?" she asked, sitting and staring at nothing while biting the tip of a pencil.

"Is what a 'you' thing?" I asked, sitting across the table in front of her.

"The thing I confided to you this morning." she reminds, looking at me.

Is she talking about the thing where she talks to me about her life crisis during training, in the Ops, in the Cafeteria, even outside my room where I refuse to let her in... she's still talking? No, it doesn't ring a bell.

She's only been pestering me for a day but I swear I'm thinking various dark thoughts just to shut her up. Izzy's out of town with Dad, Jace went with Lei in Manila Institute for cultural studies, and my girlfriend is on a mission which I'm kind of regretting not joining when she asked...

...stupid paperwork!

"Oh, that, I wasn't listening. But I strongly disagree with you." I snarled.

Oh, I heard what she said. She said too many times already I could practically recite it in my sleep.

"Can you drop the attitude? I'm serious." she frown putting the pencil down. A strain of sadness and stress spreads on her face.

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