25 There's A Shock

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What in the world?

"Hey." Alec called for my attention "You, okay?"

I'm standing in the middle of a dance floor-- a party... in the institute? My eyes gazes around. People are in their most colorful outfit. I'm even wearing pink sparkly dress!

This is so not my color.

"Maddie?" Alec called again.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." my arms are wrapped around his neck.

Are we slow dancing?

"You're thinking about the tour?"

Tour? What tour?

Even though I don't have context I said "Yeah, little bit." That sound less suspicious than I just got here and I don't know what's going on.

How did I went through the portal without seelie permission? I'm pretty positive Meliorn didn't get to wave his jazz hands. We were even arguing at the time. I do hope he closed the portal though. I don't need another demon coming in.

"Don't worry. I'll be with you every chance I get." Alec smiled, sweetly.


"Especially in Paris." Alec continued. He's looking midair as if his imagination is sparking "I already closed my weekend for that day."

"Cool." I said, try to sound convincing.

Alec yanks his head "You don't seem excited."

I smiled "No, I am."

Get it together, Maddie!

"Maybe I'm just a little nervous." I thought aloud "It's our first time there."

I don't know why, but I know that.

Back in my world, Alec and I been to Paris multiple times. For either personal or business, with friends or just the two of us.

"Oh, I get that, but hey! It's going to be fun." Alec stated, enthusiastically.

Now that is something you don't see every day.

"My parents had their honeymoon there." Alec starts to share "I've been saving up to send them for their 25th anniversary."

Maryse and Robert taking a vacation? I believe that when I see it.

"What if they don't want to go?" I asked, concernedly.

Alec scoffs a laugh "Who doesn't want to go to Paris?"

"I mean, what if they don't want to go together?" I softly indicated "You said it yourself. They're having problems. It's not a crime to fall out of love, you know."

Okay... this bubbly world is officially creeping me out. How in the world I know stuff around here and still keep my sanity intact when Meliorn told me that this world supposedly will consume anyone who's not from here. I got to find Jace and Clary and get out of here.

"Maddie, love never dies." said Alec argumentatively but politely.

"Hmm." I just shook my head, looking away.

If you only knew what your alternate self did.


I wary a small smile "You just sound like someone who's never been hurt."

Alec face falls sad, stopping from dancing "Are you putting me on notice?"

"No, of course not." my left hand move up, cupping his cheek "I just miss you is all I'm trying to say."

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