09 As You Were

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Izzy, I got your text

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Izzy, I got your text." Alec said to Izzy when we saw her by the stairs, waiting "Where are we exactly?"

"An old meatpacker plant." Izzy responded, smirking proud "This building's basement is connected to the Hotel DuMort's. So, if we go down here, we come up into their basement. Perfect, right?"

"We can distract the vamps and buy Clary and Jace ample to find Simon." I thought aloud the plan that Izzy's trying to say "Yeah... neat." I smiled "Fantastic work, Iz."

"Right." Alec said in a serious tone.

"Right? It was hard interrogating Meliorn to get this intel." Izzy said to Alec demanding more than just 'right'. She never was one to put a plan so this is a big deal for her.

"Great job, Izzy." Alec commend, smiling sarcastically "You have faerie dust on your dress."

The three of us head down the stairs and as soon as we reach bottom, our weapons deglamour in instant. We took our witchlights out of our utility because of the dark passage. Immediately after, the expected light comes on emitting just the right amount of light.

You would think that we should use our night vision rune, right? We could, but night vision rune is not well effective on the night children. They tend to disappear in the vision, hence, they're invisible when used. It's where I think the stereotyping of vampires in not having a reflection — on mirrors, waters, and otherwise — comes from. Which is totally false, fyi.

With Alec leading the way couple of feet ahead as we're walking slowly, carefully navigating for potential surprises, my phone vibrated. I took it out of my jean's back pocket, check the caller id before answering the call.

"Hey. I can't really talk right now, I'm about to walk in on a dangerous situation."

"Oh, okay. I'll get to the point... you know the thing we talked about last week? I read the file. I'm in." the person the line said, enthusiastically.

"Really? That's great." there's a wide smile on my face "Okay, I'll send you the contact. Trust me, you guys will have fun."

"Oh, I hope so cause if we're not... I'll so be blaming you." the person joked. We both share a laugh then the call drop.

"I didn't know matchmaker is in your blood." Izzy said, mockingly.

I chuckled "I'm bridging allies."

She raised her eyebrows at me "That's basically the same. How is it different?"

"Well, for starters, superior family members are not involved." I whisper as we continue going through the dark path "They do look for someone serious, but they wanted to get to know each other first, like the real get-to-know-each-other and not base on impressive layed-out crap information for them just to dissuade from the pressure of forming a civil partnership."

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