20 Jump then Fall

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Does Simon even want to be a vampire?

It will take a lot of change and most of the night children I know didn't choose to be vampire. And if he turned, that's not going to be easy, physically and emotionally. One will have to change their diet from food to blood and be submitted to the Shadow World rules. But if Clary won't return Simon, she's going to lose him forever.

Man... I wouldn't want to be in Clary's position right now.

"Maddie!" Max repeatedly called that snapped me from my thoughts.

"Hey, Bud. What's up?" I asked, turning my chair around to him.

Jace, Clary, Izzy, and I left the basement earlier. Raphael stayed in the Basement with Simon. He can't leave the premises until the sun is out. Jace and Clary went to inform Simon's mom, Elaine Lewis, that Simon might not be coming back while Izzy and I head up to the Ops to return to duty.

I haven't gotten any sleep or rest for that matter. Third day now... oh, well. It's not like it's the first time.

"Do you think you could get my stele back? Alec won't get it for me." said Max. I looked over Alec's booth and saw him doing something on his system while obviously listening-in closely to our conversation.

"If your brother can't get it back for you, what makes you think I can?"

Robert and Maryse took Max stele from him because of Envoy around. And this little lad is proven hostile for nearly burning down the Mumbai Institute.

"You have connections." he naively remarked.

I slightly chuckled "I'm afraid connections don't work like that, Bud."

"I have something you need to see." Lei announces as he approaches Maryse, Lydia, and Izzy. He then gestures to Alec and me to come with. I stood up from my booth, playfully rubbed Max' hair before I approached them "Something attacked the Jade Wolf."

Lei showed us crime scene photo on the monitor. Particularly a photo of a dead forsaken.

"The Werewolves' headquarters?" Maryse starts "Where did you-"

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"The Werewolves' headquarters?" Maryse starts "Where did you-"

"Where did you get these?" Lydia rudely interrupted her.

"Leader of the New York wolf pack." Lei answered.

"You're friends with Lucian Graymark?" Lydia rhetorically asked "An ex-Circle member?"

Why does she have to make it sound so wrong?

"How about we send them to investigate?" Maryse suggested, referring to the Alec, Izzy, Lei, and me "I'm sure this is linked to-"

"Valentine." Lydia cut Maryse off... again "I need to see it for myself."



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