19 Kneading the Fine Line

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My mother just called for an emergency meeting for just my brothers and me. Jace is currently with Clary — out in the field. After the kiss they share last night, they never left each other side. So, it's just me and Alec who went to the meeting.

"What's going on?" Alec asked as we entered the office.

"Sit." Mom gestured to the couch in front of their desk.

"It's no surprise Jace isn't here." Dad commented, noticing Jace isn't with us.

"He got held up, said to start without him." I stated.

"I'm sure he has good reason." Mom said, being optimistic.

"Your mother and I-- okay..." Dad pauses "...I requested a meeting at the Clave to inform them that the seelies are siding with Valentine."

"And the Clave denied it." Mom added.

"What do you mean?" my brother asked, concerned "They don't want you coming to Idris?"

"But Lei and Maddie are there." I pointed out. Maddie and Lei have been since last night.

"They're requested for an overseas assignment." Dad informed.

"There are rumors that local shadowhunters have been interfering in Downworld affairs." Mom stated, changing back the subject "But you two wouldn't know anything about that, right?"

Alec and I unnervingly answered in unison.

"Since all this happened here in New York, under our command, they are concerned with our devotion to our job and the cause." Mom informed.

"But we're the Lightwoods." I remarked.

"Remember, the honor isn't in the name... it's in the deed." Dad reminds and I lean in the backrest of the couch in sorrow "The Clave is sending an envoy."

"Who will be coming to observe us." Mom continued.

"And to gather information about Valentine to report back." Dad added.

"But really to scrutinize our leadership." Mom gritted her teeth "So, I beg of the two of you, don't do anything that would cause the Clave to lose even more trust in us."

Alec and I just looked at each other.


I was walking with my mom to the Ops Center when a nightmare from the past approached us. This can't be good.

The Wicked Witch of the West is back. Great.

"Maryse. The Clave has ordered me to take temporary control of this Institute." Lydia's greet to my mom.

"Wait a minute. Nobody informed us." Mom protested as we walk down the stairs.

"The Clave doesn't need to. And to repeat myself, it's temporary. Nothing been decided yet." Lydia said as she utilizes the monitors with her stele. I just glared at her while she entered her security codes on the monitor "But I do need full clearance in order to access how this Institute is running."

Lydia's a big shot now, I see. Considering what she did to Alec, I hope it was worth it.

"Where is Clary Fairchild?" Lydia asked, looking at Alec. Silence blanketed the room. She then looks back and forth around the room "I would hope someone here knows."

"She's in the field, training." Alec idly answered.

"You're telling me she's just... out and about in the streets of New York?" Lydia asked in a calming sarcastic tone as she walks toward Alec "Valentine's daughter??"

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