22 Vain and Burden

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By the time we reached the back entrance of the DuMort, Luke was already waiting outside. Since they found Simon, Clary was hiding in here with him. Simon has yet to pledge himself if he wanted to join the New York Clan that now Raphael took over as their President.

After minutes of waiting, Clary and Simon storm out the back door. She ran into Jace and gave him a hug while Simon walked over to Luke. Clary had asked as to why we're geared up as she sees us fully armed. We told her what she missed and our plan to recover Meliorn.

"You want us to go up against the Silent Brothers and a group of elite guard?" Clary questioned.

"You realize you will be going up against direct order, right?" Luke asked, disconcerting "Which means you will have no back-up. Just the four of you?"

"Pretty much sums it up, yeah." Jace answer with a smug. He's being cocky.

"Is Alec coming?" Clary asked me and I share an expression with both Jace and Izzy before answering.

"No. Not this time." I answered sadly but firm "I realized the dilemma we're putting ourselves into, but... If the Clave is willing to do this to seelies, no downworlder is safe. But I also know that we can't go in alone, not if we don't want to be detected."

"My pack can track the unit, create a distraction." Luke offered.

"I would suggest vampires, but... I doubt they'll cooperate." Simon noted.

"As much as I hate to agree with Simon, vamps aren't exactly team players." Jace huffs.

"Let me talk to Raphael. I think I can persuade him." said Clary.


Izzy and I waited at the rendezvous point, where the downworlders can enter the Silent City. We're by the roof of the service entrance, keeping an eye in case they don't make it back in time.

When familiar faces entered the service entrance along with the rest of the werewolf pack and Raphael's clan, Izzy and I flip-jumped back down behind them, causing them to startle, almost attacking us.

"Starkweather. Here I thought you were obeying daddy's orders." Raphael taunts. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Get them ready." I order to Jace, ignoring Raphael snide comment as I walked by in front passing them.

"Text when you're in position." Jace called out.

As Luke moves, Raphael let out a whistle which caught Luke's attention.

"Stay." he told, looking at Luke who got confused. Raphael mocks and smile "Good dog."

"Bite me." Luke mocked back.

"Roll over."

"Play dead."

"Boom!" Simon cheered, fist-bumping Luke.

"Okay, that's enough!" Izzy yelled in stress "Let's get into position, we don't have a lot of time to waste."

"Let's do this." Jace said then we dispersed into position.


Clary and Jace teamed together. Izzy went with the vampires while I went with the werewolves. I ascended back up the roof as we wait for the elite guards. I ran my stele to my vision and hearing rune, so I can spy from up here. Not long after, I see a group of people turning to corner...

...with Alec leading them.

Damn it, Alec! You just had to be here.

I signaled the pack whose hiding in the shadows to get ready. They then shifted themselves into full wolves, tearing their clothes in the processed. They scatter themselves to corner the guards while growling at them. Half of them are on top of shipment containers, while the other half covers the ground.

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