Part 2

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Michelle Pov:
"Mommy do you sum of my cookie" Ashton asked me as he laid on my belly watching his ipad."No baby mommy's fine" I said rubbing his hair. Barack walked in humming "Forever mines" by the o'jays. "What's got you in the mood to sing that song ?" I asked him as he took of his suit coat off. "You" He said kissing lips. "Hi daddy!" Ashton said jumping up and hugging baracks neck. I watched as they did there handshake. Then both of them lead on me like I was a pillow. "Where are the girls at?" Barack asked me. "It friday you know Malia is out and Sasha is with a friend probably!" I said. I looked down at Ashton as he was fighting his sleep. He has done this since he was a baby, he hates to sleep when I'm not sleep. He's 4 years old and will be 5 in 2 weeks or more idk tbh.
Barack and I talked about us telling the press that I am pregnant and names for the baby girl and boy names cause idk what I am having yet. I looked down at Ashton he was sleeping sucking on his thumb. He got that from me I still do that sometimes. Barack thinks it is cute when I do it. "Mister president dinner is ready for you and your wife. " one of the white house staff said. I laid Ashton down and we went to the dinner table. "Did you hear about kelly(Craig's Wife)?" I said to barack. "No I didn't what's happened" he said with a mouth full of food 😂. "She's pregnant too" I said laughing. "Oh really I am gonna have too call them and tell them congrats" he said taking a sip of beer.
   We finished up dinner and went back to the room. "Owwwuh" I groaned." What's wrong" Barack asked me. "Pregnancy pain" I grunted Rollin my eyes. "I need to shower but I want to lay down" I said to myself. Barack went to the office and I put Ashton in his bed for the night. I took my daily pills for the day. I got in the shower and washed up for all the sweat and throwing up I did today. "Mmm my baby looks good in that towel" Barack said walking in the bathroom. "Hi" I said kissing his lips. The kiss got heated and it stayed that way. "Barack" I moaned out as he kissed the sweet spot on my neck. He lifted me onto the counter and my towel fell.

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