Part 7

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Baracks Pov:
   "Hey babe wheres my thong?" Michelle asked me as we got dressed. "You didn't wear one" I said raising my eyebrow. "Oh I thought I did" she said slipping her silk shorts back on. We walked out of the office and hoped that nobody sees us but we stopped cause Michelle asked me for my jacket. "Babe really" I said. "Barack I'm cold you see I have on a silk Victoria's Secret pajama set and it December". She said to me.  "Fine" I said putting jacket on her. I kissed her lips and we started walking again. We made it into the house but the secret service saw us and asked where we were. "Went to the Oval for a bit if that's ok" I said smirking at Michelle while hold her hand. Allen nodded his head and posted himself at our bedroom door as we walked in.
    Michelle and I decided to shower when we got in the room, it was 2 AM, the burned my back cause of the scratches of Michelle nails. After the shower, we slipped into bed and we watched some Tv. I looked down about thirty Minutes later and Michelle was sound asleep a with Ashton laying on her chest. That boy loves her so much like shes the only one in the world. Whatever she doing he's there. Like for example the other day Michelle was sitting on my lap and he walked in and planted his little self right in her lap and laid his head on her chest. I cut the Tv off and kissed Michelle and Ashton foreheads and I heard Michelle mumble "I love you". I slimed and said it back.
    Me and Michelle's 7 AM wake up call came hollering in and we got up. Michelle went a put Ashton in his bed so he could sleep a little bit longer. "Good Morning" Michelle said sitting on my lap. "Morning" I said yawning then kissing her. "Babe can you tie this please" I said frustrated at my tie. "You are so short tempered" she said laughing. "Only with certain things" I said sliming at her. We kissed each other goodbye and went our ways for the day. The kids were in still in school so they went to school for the day. "Hey did you see this Barack" Valerie said to me. It was pictures of me and Michelle leaving the Oval last night.
    It was one of us kissing and holding hands, it was one of us when we were laughing and giggle, and it was one of kissing in the window of the office last night. Michelle arms were wrapped around my neck in that one. "Damn it" I said slamming the folder down on the desk. "If I may ask why were the 2 of you here that late?" Valerie asked. "Well" I said smirking. "Never Mind I know by that smirk" she said laughing. Today I had press conference, a speech at a lunch, an doctors appointment with Michelle, and a Photoshoot. I went to the press conference and the speech and now it was time for Michelle doctors appointment. "You ready?" I asked her. "Yup" she said sliming. Today we are finding out the gender of our baby.

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