Part 92

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4 months later......
It's December! the kids are getting ready to go on winter break tmr today is there last day of school for the year. Ashton is in kindergarten 🥺, it's been tuff on michelle sending him off to school. the day she sent him off she cried till he got home just about. Malia is in 8th grade last year of middle school. Sasha is in the 4th grade and they may put her in middle school next instead of 5th cause she so smart! Camden is getting to hit his 6 month mark tmr. he has gotten so big and grown. he sitting up on his own, he's trying to crawl now, and he is yelling all the time now cause he doesn't know what else to do😂. Barack has been trying to get him to say "dada" put he want give in, he'll just laugh thinking it's so funny. Michelle woke up and rolled over to see Camden and Barack laughing together. her heart melted watching them. "m-ma-mama!" Camden declared🥹. "oh my goodness" michelle exclaimed as her heart leaped with joy!
"good job cam" she said picking him kissing his cheek. "I think your starting to teeth" she said looking at his red gums. "he's been a little cranky lately" Barack said getting out of bed. "no kiss" michelle whined. "cam daddy didn't kiss mama good morning" she said cuddling him pouting. "ahhhhh" Camden screamed😭. "you heard him" she said as barack laughed. he came back kissing michelle's lips. "thank you" she said sliming. Michelle put him on there bathroom floor letting him play with some toys while her and Barack looked through there closet."m-mama! m-m-mama!" Camden said kicking his feet and blowing spit bubbles. "he likes that new word huh" Barack said as they heard the rest of the kids come in there room. "yeah he does" she said back as he wrapped his arms around her as she looked her clothes. they haven't had sex in 4 months because campaigning has Barack away all the time cause primary season is here. this is his first time home in a month and has to go back out after the new year🥲. "bye mom, bye dad we are gone to school" Malia hollered out before closing the door.
       Camden started crying taking Michelle away from Barack again. "fuck man" Barack huffed out after closing there closet door. he showered and got ready for the day. "it's been four months michelle" he said as he tied his tie. "as to what" she said doing her skincare. "since we had sex" he whined out. "really and I haven't been bitching about it" michelle said laughing. "no you haven't and I'm surprised" he said back laughing 😂. "ahhhhbbaaabaahhh" Camden squealed rolling around on their bed blowing spit bubbles 🫧 and grabbing his feet. "don't forget the kids get out at 11 so be home to look at report cards with me" michelle said kissing his cheek and disappearing into their bedroom. 2 and half hours later..... "CAMDEN" michelle  yelled catching him from hitting the floor. he cried cause her voice scared him🥺. "I'm sorry stink but you can't do that to mommy"  she said kissing his temple. "Ur hungry aren't you" she said to him. He latched on just as Barack walked in. "I'm sorry" miche said wiping his cheek. "what happened" Barack asked sitting next to her. "thank god I was right here but he flipped over and almost hit the floor. i yelled his name trying to catch him and I did but my voice scared him" michelle said as Ashton, Malia, and Sasha came running in.

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