Part 51

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Barack's POV:
"You ready to go" I asked Michelle as she put Camden in his car seat💙. We walked out the hospital, The press was there of course, and the were hollering questions😭. We walked in the family residence and Malia, Ashton, Sasha, and Marian were waiting. "Mommmy" They all shouted running towards Michelle🥺. "Careful I'm sore guys" She said as the gentle hugged her💕. Malia took the car seat from me 😭. She took him out "hi" she said 🥹. "How do you feel Michelle" Marian asked. "Like hell😭!" She replied. "He was breach momma." She said as Camden started crying. Malia tried giving him his pacifier but he kept crying🥲. "Bring him here Malia" Michelle said laying on the couch. "He's probably hungry" she continued. "Barack can you hand me his feeding cover" She asked me and I scrabbled 😭. "Michelle I can't find it" I hollered from the nursery. "It's ok I want to go lay down anyway." She said slowly getting up🥺. "You got it" I asked her as she got on the bed😭.
"Barack look at his eyes" She said as he opened them 😍. "There Gray" I said. "Are you ok Miche" I asked her. "Yeah I'm just tried and really sore" she said. "I'm going to have to get use to this feelings again" Michelle said laughing 😭. "What feeling?" I asked. "Of a mouth around my nipple it's been five years while 4 and a half" Michelle said turning on the tv. "Oh you should have that of a time, I did it a few times" I said smirking 😏. She laughed and asked me what I was about to do.
Michelle POV :
I looked down at Camden as he looked up at me with his wide eyes 😩. "Hiii stinnkk" I said rubbing his hair (it was so soft😩). He slimed at me and my heart fluttered 🥺. I kissed his forehead and let him eat in peace😂.
Me: Malia Can you bring me some Tylenol?
Malia: yea I can momma! How many do you need ?
Me : Bring me 4. Thank you Love Bug 💕🫶🏽!
Camden eye lids were getting heavy 🥺. He was still eating tho. "Mommy can I come lay with you" Ashton asked standing in the door way🥺. "Sure baby" I said as Barack came out the bathroom. "He's still eating" He said shocked. "Yeah he was hungry. Guess what tho?" I said. "What?" He said changing into his night clothes😭. "My milk is greasy because I didn't push out the fore-milk so that's why it's taking him so long to get full of me" I said as he stopped eating. "Are you done" I asked him🥺. "Can you burp him so I can shower" I said fixing my bra back😭. "Yeah I can" he said happily 💙. Malia brought my Tylenol and I went to shower. My stomach hasn't gone down yet but it will.

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