Part 42

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Michelle POV:
Well I didn't quite know what happened but I woke up in a hospital bed With Barack in a chair beside me😭. "Wh-What Happened" I asked sitting up in the bed. "You Blacked out" He said holding my hand. "Is the baby ok?" I asked. "Yes his fine" Barack said💙. The doctor walked in about 20 minutes later. "So I have a couple of things to say. For starters you had a slight contraction so he's going to come at any time, Second you blacked out do to lack of Nutrition which isn't good" The doctor explained. "Doc I have been telling she needs to eat and she want listen to me" Barack exclaimed 😂. "Well your husband is right! You need to eat." He said. "Ok I will" I sighed 😞. The doctor left the room and I laid back a little bit more 😌. "Will I be out of here in time to go to camp David?" I asked Barack. "You should be out if not I'll tell Marian to stall for us till we can get there" he said. I started to feel really nauseous🙄. I finally ate something because I wanted to go home😭.
"Alright I will call you every hour till I get to Camp David" Barack said as he walked me to the helicopter❤️. "Okay" I answered back. "I love you Miche" He said kissing my lips softly🥰. "Love you Little Man💙" He said kneeling down to my belly😂. The press was filming all of this😟. "Alright Be Carefully love ❤️" He said holding my hand as I walked up the steps. "Okay I love You Daddy" I said kissing his cheek💕. I got to Camp David Around 6:45 pm. "Wow You look good with that belly" Craig said hugging me 😂. "Ohh Shut Up" I said 🙄. "Where's Kelly?" I asked. "She went to lay down she was feeling nauseous" He said. "Im right there with her 😂. This is longest most hardest pregnancy I've had besides Ashton😂." I said as Sasha walked in ❤️. "Happy Birthday Babygirl💕. Daddy will be here in a little bit he had to go back to the White House for a while." I explained. "That's ok mama" she said getting something out of the refrigerator.
   I went to lay down cause I feel really tired. I don't know how long I was sleep for cause I woke up at 2 AM😭. Barack wasn't in bed to be honest I don't know if he is here 😂. "I'm craving ice cream" I said to myself. "Do we want ice cream Cam💙" I said to my belly. He kicked four times 🥺. "Ice cream it is" I said giggling. I went down to the kitchen and open the freezer. It's cold 😭 I only have on a sports bra and joggers . Now I have to decide what flavor I want.

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